The Monster Under the Stars

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*Yeah, I don't know what I wrote either if that is what you are thinking when you read this.*

If there was one thing that Jay didn't miss about living in the Sea of Sands, it would probably be the sand that always somehow found its way into shoes, no matter if there were holes in it or not. It wasn't even just the fact that there was sand, it was burning sand. It was the kind of sand that made you want to rush to the water on a hot day at the beach. The difference in the situations is that at least at the beach, you could get to water easily, but here, there was literally no water anywhere.

He didn't regret coming to help out though. The last time that he saw his parents was before the mess with the Son's of Garmadon. After everything with the Oni was said and done though, it just felt like it was high time that he actually go and visit. When he called up to find that they were trying to move heavy boxes, well, of course he volunteered to go help out and just left without another word. 

However then he got here, and he suddenly remembered why exactly he hated living here. Once he was through with the 7th box and saw that the huge pile hadn't changed at all, he wished that he asked someone to come help with this. His back was starting to hurt profoundly, but he wasn't going to complain out loud. He just won't get back up for the next week. It will be fine. The others will hate him, but it wasn't like they could actually do anything to him. He had Nya protection.

The thought of Nya warmed his heart. His Yang. They hadn't had time to really be with each other since the Oni's defeat. One of them always came to bed way later than the other due to missions on his case and her and Kai's parents moving out to be a little further away from the Blacksmiths shop. He could contest though that seeing the pendent be on her every day since she got it did things to his heart.

"Jay dear, you must take a break to get some lemonade in you. You must be parched dear. Ed take a note that Jay is probably parched." Edna suddenly called to her husband before looking back to her son.

"The quicker I get this done, the quicker we can hang out inside." Jay argued as he went and grabbed yet another 3 boxes to make it go quicker.

"We want a chance to actually talk. You will be too tired. We can do the rest a different day." Edna said with the shrug of her arm.

"I don't want you or Pa to have to do it yourselves. I don't know the next time I will be free to help you like I am today. You know how my job is." Jay said, but he gave up in defeat as soon as he met Edna's expression.

"Inside now." Edna stated as she pointed towards the door, and Jay hung his head as he walked back to the house.

Besides Edna, Nya was the only one who he would actually listen to when they had that almost dark voice that seemed to take over their bodies. When Edna and Nya were pissed, he was absolutely terrified, and well, who wouldn't be terrified of these people. It was especially terrifying when, at first glance, there should technically be nothing terrifying about them. He felt himself gulp. That was a terrible line of thought that he was entering at this second.

"So how is Nya? We haven't seen her since the snakes tried to take your mother." Ed piped up as soon as Jay and Edna both settled down at the small dining room table.

"She's... Well, she is good all things considering. Stressing herself out about the Yin-Yang ceremony preparation. She is a perfectionist as you know, and well, she is trying to have everything going exact without any hitches. It tires her out. Then, her parents suddenly decided to move out of nowhere, so then she and Kai both had to go help." Jay explained as he sighed, and Jay could feel the stress radiating off of her wherever she was.

"I think that it is normal that she wants to have everything exact with nothing going wrong. I am surprised that you don't want that. Especially with that little romantic heart of yours. Why, I remember when you were a wee lad and tried to have a ceremony between..." Edna gushed, much to Jay's embarrassment. 

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