Still Hurting

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The arms wrapped around her waist weren't his, but she supposed that it would have to do. She was the one who picked it. She was the one that hurt him. She was the one that covered him with scars that he didn't deserve. 

He wasn't here anymore. He left. He didn't want anything to do with her anymore, not that she blamed him. He didn't want anything to do with anyone. He left without a word, not that anyone was surprised that he left. It was only a matter of time.

She felt a kiss being placed to her temple, and she felt herself go a little cold before pulling a fake smile and smiling up at the person who placed it on her. It just didn't feel right  with the kisses that were placed on her by this man. They weren't the same. They didn't feel the same. She didn't feel like her heart was pounding out of her chest every single time. 

Again, she thought about what he must be doing right now. She had seen his first couple episodes on his new television show. She saw how he was smiling up at the camera even though his heart was ripped out and torn to shreds. She was thankful, in a way, that he didn't make it a big deal like he generally would do.

That was what really bothered her about the entire breakup, she decided. Besides when he found out, he didn't make it a big deal at all. He just was... well he was silent. He distanced himself, and finally broke away completely when Zane died. It was just the final straw for him. Perhaps he was always planning on leaving after they took care of the return of the Overlord. Perhaps he was just using Zane's death as an excuse to get away from everyone. To get away from her.

It needed to happen this way though. It was the only way. No matter what she did, he was always going to be heartbroken by her. She just wished that she had told him when she first found out instead of keeping it a secret until it blew up right in her face. He just didn't understand. He didn't understand that it was supposed to be this way because Cole was her perfect match. She and Cole were made for each other, not him and her, and he didn't understand that. 

"You believe a machine over everything that we have done together. You believe a machine when the Overlord has clearly taken over the technology of Ninjago!" Jay shouted at her, one of the final conversations that Nya would have with the Blue Ninja before he would go missing and then later show up on a television show.

"You don't understand, Jay. I don't have a choice. He is my perfect match!" Nya shouted back, turning to face him with a glare.

"So? The machine just said that he would work with you perfectly. That doesn't mean you have to abandon us." Jay finally said as he looked to the ground.

"Look, Jay. This relationship was probably never going to last. Most teenage relationships never do. You just need to accept that I found someone better. Someone who is going to be able to help me in ways that you couldn't. I..." Nya started before drifting off.

"That is the sad thing, Nya. If anything about this relationship was like a normal teenage relationship, we wouldn't be having this conversation right now. I would have accepted it and let you go, because guess what? I know that there is always going to be someone better than me. It is just the way that life is. I can't let this go though because you are just listening to a machine. You are listening to a machine so easily, almost like an excuse to get away from me. Did you ever love me?" Jay finally broke, looking right up at her.

Nya was silent for the longest time, just looking up at him. What was she supposed to say to that? Should she tell the truth or should she tell the lie? 

The truth was that of course she loved him. She loved him so much more than he would probably ever know.  She had grown to need him like air supply, and that scared her. That scared her so much because she lost everyone she loved like that. He was her favorite person, and she loved all of the memories that were there. Her most favorite memories were ones that Jay was somehow involved with in one way or another.

Jay wouldn't let her go though if she told the truth. She could tell by the look in his eyes. Jay wasn't one to let something like this go. No. Jay would never let her be if she told him the truth. No matter how much she wanted to, she knew that she couldn't. 

"I... There was no love for me to give you, Jay. There still is no love for me to give you." Nya would have said that she was sorry if it weren't for the betrayed look on his expression.

"Thank you for being honest. I wont bother you anymore. I just wish that you told me before anyone got hurt." Jay said as he turned away from her.

How could she have betrayed him like that? Of course, she knew why. He needed to let go, and it was the only way that he would have. She had to lie to him in order for him to get better. He would have been stuck waiting for her to come to her senses, and she knew that she never would. 

She literally couldn't come to her senses. It was supposed to be Cole for her. That is what fate told her in the form of a machine. She couldn't argue with fate. It was a suicide mission to try and test fate, so why would she? She was smart enough to know that you should never try. That is how you become miserable. 

Yet, as she was in Cole's arms, she felt miserable. This wasn't the type of person that she was. She didn't feel anything like she felt for Jay. She didn't feel safe like she did with him. She felt nothing, like a black void that was endless. All she could hear was the echo of her failed relationship.

Her parents had tested fate. They had tested fate and they lost. That was why she was alone most of her life. That was why she and Kai had to struggle for so long. She didn't want that hardship again. She didn't want to be forced back to barely surviving when she finally got out of that and into a life she could actually live. 

She refused to make her parents mistake. She refused to not listen to what was clearly being told to her. Her parents made that, and she was given a perfect example of what happened when you did. She refused to be naïve and fill her head with fantasies that were clearly not meant to be. It was her parents downfall, and she refused to let that be hers too.

She was supposed to be with Cole. It didn't matter if she was feeling things or not. Comparing her relationship with Cole and Jay was like comparing apples and oranges. Something felt like it needed to change though, and yet she couldn't do it. She refused to go against it. It was beyond her power. 

She hurt Jay. She would end up hurting Cole. She was hurting because of Zane and Jay. She did all of that though. The sad thing was that she stopped her relationship so that she wouldn't face a possible hurt later on.

However, She was still hurting.

Authors Note:

Like most of you know, I, like a lot of people, was really upset with the love triangle fiasco that happened in season 3. I almost didn't write this because of how angry it makes me, and I know I have done oneshots focusing on this before, but never from Nya because it just made me so angry. It made all of the characters involved different than who they were originally, and it just made things either really angering or awkward.

 That entire thing made people really hate Nya for a long time, me included, and I came up with this idea. The idea that maybe the reason why Nya listened to the machine was because she thought it was fate instead, and that maybe it was fate telling her to be unhappy because of all of the hardship in her life that she already had to face and people in her life that already left her.

That was my reasoning for making this one, sooo.... I don't really have anything else to say.

Peace out Dudes and Dudettes!!!

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