The One Who Made It Out

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A figure laid wide awake on the bed as the ceiling groaned from the wind. He quietly got out of bed and walked to the door before closing it behind him. The walls were outlined from the achievements. The praise seemed to echo as the pictures glared back at him. He stopped at the one achievement that he wanted to forget. 

The world shook with the wind as he shook his head and walked outside. It was black outside besides the few stars that poked through the blackness. It was cold and rain was slowly falling from the sky even though there were barely any clouds. He closed his eye as he sat on the doorstep and looked up to the sky.

"You know, I bet dancing on the stars would be fun." A girl with black hair said as she laid her head on the man's shoulder.

"And why is that?" The man asked as he laughed quietly.

"There is no rules up there. There is no gravity. You get to be who you are without people always judging you. I like those rules." She said as she continued to look up towards the sky.

"Do what I do. Dance like no one is there. It is easier to be yourself when you realize that no one else's opinions of you matter." The man said as he wrapped his arm around her to pull her closer.

"You always know what to say. Thanks." She said as she looked up to kiss his cheek before continuing to look up at the stars.

"That is what I'm here for." He replied as he kissed the top of her head.

The vision slowly disappeared as he shook his head. Tears were slowly falling down his face as he stood up and walked further away from the house. There were so many memories that swirled in his head. There were so many things that he wanted to forget. There were so many things that he wanted to change. How could he have known everything was going to change that day?

He walked over to where a scythe was located and froze. He hesitantly walked over and his hand slightly grazed it before pulling it away. He grabbed his head and pulled on his hair with hands. Everything was vibrating, but he couldn't care anymore. What was the point of caring about anything? Everything he knew was gone.

"You literally have the worst jokes imaginable." A man with black hair said as he dodged an attack.

"Yet you are still my friend. Not just that, but my Best Friend." The man said with a laugh as he flipped in the air.

"Well, someone had to be." The man with black hair said with a fake annoyed voice before stopping another attack.

"You are literally no fun to spar with." The man said as he stopped attacking.

"Cake?" The black haired man asked as he waggled his eyebrows.

"The fact that your body looks like that and your eating habits is incredible." The man said as he followed the other one down the steps.

It all started with the damn gas leak. All because someone in the City decided to get too reckless. Everyone was too unobservant to notice the fire everywhere until it was too late. The man that started that may have gotten put away for life, but nothing was going to bring them back. The man slowly backed up into the wall with all of the Murals.

He held his breath as he slowly glanced up towards the wall as he felt his eyes burn again. They were everywhere. Why did they have to do that? What did this have to always happen to him? He shut his eyes before a noise tore through his throat. His breathing quickened, and he couldn't slow it down.

"You promise that you are going to take care of her, right?" A man with spikes in his hair asked as he stood next to the man at the altar.

"I promise." The man said as they watched the doors open.

"Just because you are marrying my Sister doesn't mean that I wont plummet your ass if you mess up." The spikey haired man said as he watched his Sister walk down the aisle.

"I know. Don't worry. I will love and cherish her forever." The man said as he smiled at the girl in front of him.

"That's all I ask." The spikey haired man said as he watched the ceremony with a smile never leaving his face.

The man's fingers traced the ring that was on his hand. He heard a noise and slowly stood up before walking back towards the house. He looked at the Monastery in all of its glory. The memories were everywhere. They just wouldn't leave him alone for the life of him. It made his chest tighten as he approached the door and opened it.

Why would they sacrifice themselves for him? Why did they pick him when they realized that only one would be able to survive? Why not his wife? Why did he let his wife do that? Why did they all ignore him when he was begging them for her to stay alive?

"So have you decided on any names for the baby yet?" the man with blonde hair and blue eyes asked the other as he handed him a drink.

"She wants it to be Rain or Zack, but I want it to be Edna or Ray after our parents." The man said as he gratefully took the drink.

"Why Rain? I would have thought that she would have wanted to name it after the parents, no offence to you." The blue eyed man asked as he tried to figure out his friends.

"I don't know. Women are difficult to understand." The man said as he took another drink.

"Well, lets leave before your brother in law tries to kill you again." The blue eyed man said as he walked out the door.

The man opened a door where a crib stood. He walked and quietly grabbed the bundle of blankets and started rocking it. He looked down to see the baby slowly calm down. He gave the baby a sad smile before leaning down and kissing its head. The baby's face scrunched together before falling asleep again.

"I know. I miss Mommy too." The man whispered as he felt his chest tighten again.

He couldn't bare to put their baby down. It was the only proof that he had that his Wife was real. That his wife wasn't just some figment in his imagination. The Wife that somehow convinced everyone that he needed to be the one that should survive. It was his job to keep her safe. Why did she always have to save him?

"How much longer are we going to have to wait for the baby to get here?" A man with green eyes asked as he watched the girl with black hair boss their friends around from the couch.

"A month." The man replied as he gave an exhausted look.

"She is my Best Friend and all, but man! She is going to make me kill someone." The man with green eyes said as he spoke only loud enough for the man he was talking to would hear.

"It will be worth it in the end. You'll be the best Uncle ever. Probably better than her Brother, that's for sure." The man said as he thought about it.

"I say we sneak out and play videogames while she isn't demanding us to do things." The man with green eyes whispered as he looked up towards his friend.

"Already ahead of you." The man whispered as pulled the green eyed man out of the room.

The man whispered a song that he heard his wife sing to their baby a couple of times. His heart tightened as he walked over to the rocking chair and sat down. He traced the baby's face lightly as he observed it. The baby had her Mother's eyes. The same shade of warm chocolate brown he fell in love with years ago. 

"We are going to be okay, Rain." The man said as he held their daughter closer in his arms.

He felt himself leaning his head further into the back of the rocking chair. The tears came back to his face as he looked up at the picture that was across from them. Lloyd, Kai, Cole, Zane, Nya and himself were surrounding Rain in the Hospital. That was taken weeks ago. Their daughter was only 3 weeks old, and she lost her Mother. She lost everyone. Everyone but him. Somehow, she hadn't lost him.

That fire took everyone. While everyone was mourning the loss of the team, he was mourning the loss of his Family. He lost everyone doing the thing that they used to love doing together. They all died saving everyone else. Everyone else including him. The tears weren't stopping now as he let out a sob from his mouth. The memories and thoughts were surrounding his head. One thought seemed imprinted in his head. The same thought that was on everyone else's Television Screen.

Jay Gordon-Walker was the only one who made it out.

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