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Even as a married couple, Jay and Nya had their fights. Jay could remember this last one vividly. Of course, like most of their fights, he couldn't remember how it started. He often couldn't remember anything on how they started. He did know how this would end though. He was going to go for a run, then he was going to go apologize even if he didn't do anything, and then they were going to act like nothing happened. They had always functioned like that.

This last fight had been particularly bad though. The day started out fine, and then they started shouting at each other. This led to Jay slamming the door to the house as Nya slammed the door to their bedroom. Words of divorce echoed through the air, and it made Jay's stomach churn at the thought. He didn't want to separate from Nya at all. He needed her like he needed air to breathe.

However, Jay ran from things. He ran from things no matter the situation. He ran from the bullies and he ran from the villains, and now he was running from the love of his life. He wasn't just running from people anymore. He was also now running from situations. He was running from the negatives of the life he had formed.

Jay always liked to run. He loved that Wu introduced them to running before the Sun when he became a Ninja. It became a new thing for him to do when he got a particular negative emotion. It was a new way to deal with it. It was healthier than drinking, which was something Jay did the first time anything really negative happened when they first became Ninja.

The wind felt good against his face as he ran. He used to hate the cold until he met Zane and his Element. Jay was sure it had to do with the fact that he grew up in the Sea of Sands where it never snowed. He never got to see snow until he met Zane as well. He despised the stuff most of the time, but when he ran, it felt good. He liked feeling the body temperature even itself out in the cold. To Jay, there was no better feeling than that.

He loved the way his mind also shut down when he ran. He was never good a multitasking, so when he ran, his brain shut down to focus on running instead of all of his other problems. He could hear his breath evenly as he breathed in and out over and over again. His body began to ache, but he didn't care. He couldn't even remember how long it was ago that he stormed out here. All he was aware of was that he didn't want to go back to the house.

He was scared of Nya, but he knew that he had to go face her at some point. He didn't want to lash out at her, which he supposed was the other reason as to why he didn't want to go face her. He often lost control of his emotions and Element when they were too far gone in the emotions he couldn't control. Running fixed that greatly. So yes, to sum it up, Jay loved to run.


Nya hadn't been feeling well the past couple of days, and Jay knew that. He knew that her emotions had been wired since Thanksgiving, so he really didn't know why he pushed her to this point. He had been out all night drinking with Cole, and he really did think that he called his wife to tell her that he would be staying over.

To see all of the lights out at his house when he arrived at 11 in the morning the following day sent red flags. Nya was always an early riser, they both were, so he was concerned when all of the lights were out. He checked to make sure there were no messages from his wife, and he just got more worried when he saw that there were none. 

"Nya?" Jay called as he entered the house.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" Nya yelled, and Jay turned to see his angel cross armed screaming at him from the kitchen.

Jay was shocked that she was screaming at him. As he got a better look at her, he could see how miserable she looked. There were heavy bags under her eyes, and her eyes themselves were red from.... crying? What happened last night? 

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