A Father's Mistake

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Some fluff, some angst, and I know how much you guys love Kai and Jay ;)

Sometimes, when he got angry, training was the best way to get the anger out of his system. There was just something so satisfying when you imagined that instead of the punching bag being there, there was the person you were angry at, and then your fist keeps colliding with that imagination even though, in reality, it was just the bag.

And honestly, it was better to take it out on something that wasn't living compared to something that was ultimately alive. He didn't want to talk about it. He just wanted to fight it. In the end, he knew it boiled down to because if he started talking about it, then he would actually have to admit to himself that it was something that he did care about.

And he shouldn't care about it. Not after he got the letter that he was adopted for a second time. And this time, it was permanent. But it did turn out differently. It turned out differently because Cliff Gordon wanted to meet him. And he didn't... He didn't know what he wanted. 

Part of it was the fact that he didn't want to confront Ed and Edna about it, and he knew that he would have to if he decided to go meet this man, but the other reason was that... 

The other reason was that he didn't know if he should even meet him at all because Cliff Gordon clearly didn't want him before. And Jay didn't want to get his heartbroken if the only reason why he wanted to try and have a real relationship was for some sort of weird publicity stunt.

On top of all of that, he had been through hell and back in the past couple of weeks, and now that they took care of the mess that was Prime Empire, Jay didn't want to go through that again. And he was barely able to hide the letter when it had come. 

In reality, he didn't even hide the fact that he got a letter. That was hard to do when everyone was in the front of the Monastery when the Mailman came. And he knew that he had been visibly upset because he quickly tore it up and stormed out of the Monastery for 24 hours without a trace, chilling out with Scott, before deciding that he didn't need to worry his friends.

But that was a week ago, and he knew that he hadn't gotten any better. And he knew that the others were getting more and more concerned as the days passed, but he couldn't find it in himself to complain or admit to what was happening to him. In his heart, he knew that out of anybody, his team would understand. They all had terrible childhoods, and most of them didn't talk to their parents for one reason or another.

But there was a small part of him whispered and fed into his doubts, and now he couldn't find it to admit the truth to anyone. And if he were being perfectly, he couldn't admit the truth to himself.

Which is why he found himself outside, punching the robot in front of him, without the punching gloves that he knew that he probably should have on. But he was too upset to really listen to reason, and he was too out of it to really care about the searing pain and blood that was oozing out of his fists.

"Jay?" As much as he loved his Yang, he did not want to see her right now.

"What's up?" Jay asked, continuing to punch the bag, not looking up to her.

"Jay, you're bleeding." Nya whispered, and he felt her approaching him.

Jay froze, and for the first time since he came out here in the first place, he looked down to his fists and he could feel the pain. But he would not cry. For all he knew, this was exactly what Cliff Gordon wanted.

"Come on. Let's get you washed up, yeah?" Nya asked, and she carefully grabbed his hand before pulling him into the Monastery.

"Oh, you don't need to do that. I can take care of that." Jay tried to separate himself from her, but she pulled his hand closer to herself instead and sighed.

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