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Jay thought that they were in love. He always thought that there was a spark in her eyes anytime that she saw him. There was a spark in his eyes anytime he saw her. Then, though, she drifted. She started spending more and more time away from him. Locking herself in her room and just flat out avoiding him.

He tried to ignore it at first. He thought he was being paranoid, perhaps even selfish, for she had her own rights to privacy. Yet, it was obvious. She was suddenly with everyone else, and not with him, and it hurt. It hurt a lot more than he tried to let on. She was his best friend, and now, he was losing her. He was losing the one person he loved the most. 

And then it all made sense. It all came to light when he looked over and saw her staring at Cole. Of course, he had always been so insecure about their relationship. But there was a look in her eyes. It was a look that he hadn't seen in a while when she looked at him. He couldn't remember the last time that she looked at him like that. 

Cole looked at her in the same way. The same way where it was like nothing in the world mattered. Like it was only them in the sea of people that carried on with their lives. They looked just so... helpless.

He didn't know what to do. All he knew for sure was that she couldn't be with him anymore. That she probably hasn't been with him in a very long time. He couldn't hold her back. She wasn't going to happy. And, well, he didn't want her to wake up one day and resent him for wasting her life on him when Cole was the one who very clearly made her happy.

The friendship that he had with her was something that he valued more than anything. He would lose that if he let their relationship continue. He couldn't lose her. He needed her, and if that meant that he had to lose her in order for him to obtain that, then he had to do it. It wasn't fair to him, and it wasn't fair to her.

Yet, it hurt. It hurt that he was going to have to do this. It hurt that he was going to have to break it off, because at the end of the day, he knew that he still loved her. That was probably what hurt the most. That he still loved her after everything, and that she was probably going to ignore that a whole relationship between them ever happened. He had to do it though. She deserved to be happy. Cole deserved to be happy. He wouldn't be the person that came in between that.

"I'm breaking up with Nya." Jay said one afternoon randomly with Kai and Cole in the room.

Kai immediately dropped the book that he was holding and spun around to look at him. Cole did no better, immediately looking at Jay like he was insane. They weren't wrong. That probably was insane to hear coming from him. It was insane because they both knew how much he loved her. But they didn't understand. Love was a two way street, and now that street was gone.

"What the hell! Are you crazy?!" Kai whispered shouted so that the others wouldn't hear him, Jay assumed.

"Yeah dude. You love her. Why would you do that?" Cole asked, though Jay noticed something in his eyes.

"Because she doesn't love me. Not in the way that I love her. Not anymore. She loves someone else, and I can't come in the way of her happiness. I just want her to be happy. I couldn't live with myself if I took that away." Jay stated as he looked straight at Cole, and he swore that he saw Cole shiver slightly at his stare.

"But you deserve to be happy too." Kai tried to object.

"Which is why I have to do it. I can't be happy if she can't love me fully like how I love her." Jay whispered as he felt tears come to his eyes.

Kai sighed as he went over and hesitantly hugged Jay while looking over at Cole who hadn't moved an inch. There was so much admiration towards Jay in his gaze, and Kai felt as though he was missing something major. But then, Nya walked in and Kai watched as Nya almost immediately went to Cole and ignored the fact that Kai was hugging Jay. And it all suddenly made sense to Kai. Cole was the other boy.

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