Why Kai Should Never Be Best Man

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"Kai, I don't think that Nya would like this. You know how she feels about, well all of this, especially with the Wedding just around the corner." Jay said in concern as he watched the wicked glee in Kai's eyes expand as he pointed everywhere on the board. 

"Don't be such a downer, Jay. Nya's holding you back, man. Remember the party that we had, you know, back when you were sleep deprived?" Kai said as he latched onto his future Brother in Law's shoulders.

"I remember you got a huge ass beating from your sister and then that you sent Wu to the hospital because of the destruction of that room." Jay said as he crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow at Kai.

"Those are just small, minor details. It's not like I killed the man." Kai said as he rolled his eyes.

"You almost did. He was in the CIU for a week." Jay said as he continued to give Kai a pointed glare. 

"Again, just small insignificant details. Nothing can kill that man." Kai said as he tossed his hand in the air.

"I'm starting to think that you most certainly will." Jay said with a sigh as he sat down.

"Okay, well, how about that other party that we had on the Bounty? The one where me and you had such a great bonding experience." Kai finally said after a minute.

"Are we talking about the one where you got so wasted that you embarrassed yourself in front of your girlfriend because I got and showed her footage? I wasn't wasted for that one, and I had to clean up all of you guys' messes. The only thing enjoyable about that experience was the footage and embarrassment after the fact for you." Jay said with a little laugh as he remembered the footage that sat in his back pocket.

"Well, what are we going to do then? You can't be serious about not having a Bachelor Party." Kai said in exasperation.

"I don't really see a need for one. Not to mention, I am perfectly fine just marrying Nya and being done with the thing. As they say, 'happy wife, happy life'. She doesn't want anything crazy, and I have to agree with her on that." Jay tried to reason with Kai, which Jay was quickly starting to learn, was like reasoning with a 2-year-old.

"But this is the last time that you get to be stupid without any consequences! Look at you! You have forgotten what it is like to be stupid and reckless." Kai all but shouted as he threw his hands up in the air.

"I have not!" Jay argued back, not liking where this was going. 

"Yes, you have. At this rate, you are going to be ancient like Wu by the time you are 30. That is like 10 years from now, Jay! Don't do that to yourself. You are already not cool, don't add more reasons as to why you aren't!" Kai accused, and then put his hands on his hips.

Honestly, Jay wasn't sure what led him to this point. If he had to pick, it was agreeing to let Kai be his Best Man instead of Cole. If he were being honest, he wasn't even sure how that decision was made, but now here they were, and Jay felt like he was going to shoot someone.

Well, okay, maybe he was exaggerating. Somehow, he and Kai got unexpectedly close, especially when Cole left to go live in Shintaro. He had, at this point, gotten used to Kai's exaggerations through the years, something he knew he had to do anyway because he had always known that he would end up marrying Nya at some point. That was something that he was sure that Kai understood too, if it wasn't Nya threatening him that got Kai to stop making his life a living hell.

And now that Kai threatened him, Jay knew that Kai won this argument. As much as he loved Nya, he loved proving Kai wrong even more. Worse comes to worst, he ends up blaming Kai, though he suspects that Nya would rather blame Kai this close to the Wedding anyway than her own Fiancé. 

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