40. Life goes on

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Yoongi opened the window and breathed fresh air. It had just rained so he felt nice. He stared at the ocean view from his room. He was at his vacation house. Lately, it had been so busy that he didn't get any time with Hoseok. So he came here with him to have some quiet time.

"Ah daebak!" Hoseok said.

"what now?" yoongi turned and looked at hoseok who was just laying on their bed under the sheets. "rumours are that namjoon is gonna marry taehyung!"

"what? that punk. " yoongi frowned. "oh come on. you cant blame him. Afterall jin was the one left him, remember? and namjoon had always by his side, even when jin became....a little...in that phase too, he was there....!!" hoseok said.

"so you mean, its completely seokjin's fault? life had been always bitter with him, did you forget how namjoon hid his identity? anyway, I just Hope that jin is ok" yoongi replied.

"you always had a soft spot for jin and i dont like that" hoseok crossed his arms. yoongi have a sheepish smile. "aww baby you know no one can bit you....don't you?" he walked towards bed and patted on hoseok's soft hair. hoseok didn't react anything on that and kept on checking his phone. "oh so you wanna play ignoring game"? yoongi crawled on a bed like a cat towards hoseok. "where is my baby? are you feeling neglected? he said in lovey dovey voice and hugged hoseok, which made later startled. he immediately threw his phone aside caz he knew what was gonna come next. or rather say, he was gonna cum next.

 or rather say, he was gonna cum next

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After buying the shirt and crying for long time, jin decided to get drunk. He called his friend....jungkook. They both went to a bar. after many rounds, jungkook decided not to let jin drink anymore caz he was totally drunk. "kookieeeee.....let get married. if namjoon can be with his best friend,,,,then so can i" he said, spark in his eyes. "jin you are drunk....lets go home"

"yes but tell me yes or no"


"tell meeeeeeee"

"umm no"

"whyyyyyy. i got rejected. i am useless"

"jin,,,,i am not gay remember?"

"oh yeah. shooooo i wont tell anyone"

jungkook carried jin and took him to his house. he made him sleep on his bed safely and then left. Jin slept for a while but woke up. Half drunk and half sober....he took his phone and checked sns. He saw taehyung's update at fancy hotel lobby wearing the same shirt.

"bitch" jin mumbled. and he just stood up. he change his shirt and wore new shirt as well. "it suits me more...." me said to himself.

Then he took his key and left.

He somehow arrived at the same hotel. Honestly he didnt know what he was doing. He felt his head was heavy so he sat on oke fancy couch.
"Hello there" one gentleman approached him. He smiled at seokjin and checked him out. The man was older that jin. May be 10-12 years older. Seokjin looked at him and smiled "hellooo" he giggled. "What do we have here? Drunk twinkie hmm?" Another older man joined them. First one nodded. "Are you with someone young man?" He asked as he put his hand on his shoulder. Other one sat beside him. "No!" Jin almost shouted and few people looked at them. "Ohk ohk hahha" the man said, as he rubbed his hand on his thigh. " would you wanna join us?"

"Do you have chocolate icecream?"


They nodded at each other. Lust in their eyes.

"Seokjin?" Taehyung asked surprised. "What a day hm? I wonder how come i see you everywhere?" He came closer and realised he doesn't know the company. "Hello I am kim Taehyung, and you are-?" He bowed and introduced himself to the new company. One men said "are you his friend?" And other man sushed him and said, "nice to meet you but we are actually late" he said and was about to walk as he tried seokjin stand.

Taehyung sensed something was fishy. These men seemed odd. But this is reputed hotel. Only like high class people come here. But again pervert can be anyone. He sighed. He wanted to be in the room on time, ready for namjoon. But here he was handling ex of his boyfriend.

"Yes this is my friend. And we were gonna meet now, funny he didnt mention you guys" he raised his brows. The two men coughed and left disappointed.

Taehyung made jin stand, and walked him to his room. He made jin sit on the sofa. And handed a glass of water. "Ok jin you have like 20 mins to get sober and leave"

Jin smiled stupidly at Taehyung. Not understanding what's happening.

"Did you drive here or came by cab? Jin? Ok doesn't matter, i'll book you a cab and then you just have to go ok"

"Okay" jin giggled and spilled some water on his new shirt. His chest now pinned over his skin. Taehyung hit his head. "Ughhh you cant do this jin. You cant ruin my night with namjoon!!!! This is not fair!"

"You took Namjoon from me. This shirt looks better on me" jin mumbled drunk as he slept and laid his body on couch.

It made Taehyung angry. "Ok that it. You are not my responsibility. Why should i care about you? You are not my friend or anyone to me. You are ex of my boyfriend whom i love so much! You wont take away my night....i waited for this so long...i dont have patience anymore"

He took his jacket and left the room. "I'll get rid of this shit" he thought.

Namjoon had drunk a quite amount of alcohol before arriving at the hotel. He wanted to be as least sober as possible while spending a night with taehyung. He still was not ready yet but he wanted to do it for taehyung. He looked at the hotel room number on the door. He was 15 mins early that decided time. He was thinking should he go inside or not. What if Taehyung is not ready and there is awkwardness before initiating things.
He took breath and said "whatever" before he knocked. But no one answered anything.

Maybe Taehyung wants him to use his key that hotel gave him and don't disturb him? After-all he was so excited for this.

He entered and the room was dark. He closed door after putting a "do not disturb" sign on door handle. He locked the door and walked inside

Thank you for understanding and such nice response! :)

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