37. Thats not a plan

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Jin looked at the window. The sunshine coming inside along with the sound of birds chirping. It was a new morning! He stared blankly for long, before trying to get up. He didn't know what to do. He looked at the empty space on bed beside him.

He felt like crying. Why did all of this happen?

He stood up feeling empty from inside. He wasn't in his penthouse apartment but in his actual home. He was supposed to be happy. His parents, specially his father was finally happy to have him. After All, He was gonna bring million dollar project for kimsha and it was all his father was seeing.

Jin took a deep breath as he slid his robe on top of his silky night clothes. He adjusted his messy hair. He felt urge to run away somewhere but he couldn't. He walked near the window again watching those birds on tree, feeling jealous of their freedom.

"Baby, you are finally awake!" A voice behind him made him startled as a hand got immediately wrapped around his waist. He was pulled closer suddenly and was kissed untill his body begged for fresh air. "Good morning darling" the other said.

"What the hell Junjae!" Jin said catching his breath.

2 weeks ago>>>

"You are mine! Only mine! And you need to be reminded! You got little freedom and you cheated! I am gonna f*ck you so hard!!" Namjoon screamed as he turned off the shower. He threw jin on his shoulder and came into their bedroom. "Namjoon! Put me down! Why don't you listen?!" Jin asked frustrated and scared.

Namjoon threw him on their bed and came on top of him. He pinned his hands above his head. Both of their bodies dripping water on the bedsheets, but that wasn't important at that time. "How could you do that jin?!" Namjoon asked finally. Hurt in his voice.

"It was not true, Namjoon. I can explain" jin said trying to calm him.

Namjoon shook his head. "Who was he?! Since when is this going on?!" He asked with his voice full of anger and jealousy. He still had strong grip on jin's soft and fragile wrists, bruising them already.

He bit on jin's skin under his chin hard. Jin moaned as Namjoon licked there and started smooching his sensitive spot. "It... never happened..ahhh. before. Today ahhh was first time..." Jin tried speaking.

Namjoon stopped and looked into jin's eyes. "Then..Why today ?" He asked in raspy voice.
"My parents have made decision about my marriage already...Its business deal basically...."

"So what?! You are gonna go and marry him instead?!" Nj said as he grinded his hard member in between jin's legs. Jin moaned," No! I only love you, you know that!"

"Then why did the hell, his lips were on yours?! Tinting the sanity and mocking my love?!" Nj shouted as his held jin's both hands in his one hand while other hand pressed on one of his nipples. Jin wasn't struggling but he wasn't enjoying it either. It was too much to take and he was tired already.

But any rejection could end their relation and jin was afraid of loosing him. "Speak up" nj warned. "It was a fake kiss..ahhhhhh"

Namjoon released his pink bud from torture. "What do you mean?!"
"We both don't want this. Junjae was acting too. Just for my mother's sake! It wasn't real...I wasn't cheating....I was thinking about you all the time.!"

"What the hell seokjin!" Namjoon said angrily. "Acting or not. This won't do. You can't kiss anybody but me! Do you get that?!"

"Namjoon i don't like this too, but I have to do this. Please understand."

"If you are gonna be chicken about this, then I will go and tell your parents. We are getting married jin! How can you do this to me?!"

"My parents won't listen. They will throw me out. He will remove me from Kimsha!"

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