34. Accident

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"whats the good news baby?" Namjoon asks as he intertwined their fingers. Seokjin was exhausted after round two. His eyes were sleepy as he just laid on his stomach. Namjoon was over him kissing his soft skin, still his semi hard member inside him.

"How do you know I wanted to tell good news?" Jin asked softly, still breathing uneven. Namjoon flipped them so that he laid on back and jin on top of him. Jin rested his head on Nj's chest, snuggling.

"You over did yourself baby. You do this whenever you have something to tell me" Nj smirked as he kiss his forehead. Jin giggled coming closer to Nj, feeling himself still inside him. "My mother just called..."

"And..?" Nj slowly moved his hips and so moved his semi hard member inside jin, hitting same spot. Jin moaned again holding on nj's shoulders.

"They are finally accepting me Joon! Me ...ahh...and us!! They have invited us for dinner on sunday...ahhh" Nj was happy hearing the news he started increasing the pace. He adjusted the angle by moving jin straight who was leaning before.
"That's great baby! I will talk to your parents!! Don't worry. They will like me" Namjoon groaned as he started moving his hips fast and so was jin. Jin started riding his cock and it was 3rd round already. "Ahhh...Namjoon...thanks...ahhh ..nghh..."

On Friday evening, Both went to namjoon's hometown to meet his parents. Seokjin was so nervous. "Do you think this shirt is fine? I think I should have worn suit.! And did I put too much cologne?" Seokjin asked all question in one breath as Namjoon parked their car.

"Calm down jinnie! They are just  my parents. They gonna love you! Dont be nervous. And its late night already so no! you shouldn't have worn a suit!" Nj said putting both hands on jin's shoulders facing jin towards himself. Jin nodded and took deep breath.

As the door opened, Nj's mom hugged her son tightly. She had missed him so much. Nj had left his house to become rapper and finally returned home after becoming one. His father on the other hand just shook his hands and stared at Jin.

"This is Jin. Kim Seokjin. He is CEO at Kimsha group." Nj said proudly. Jin bowed to both of them, giving his angelic smile. Mrs Kim hugged Jin too. "You are so beautiful and so well mannered being at such big post" she admired while Mr. Kim frowned went in his room.

"He is tired. He will speak in the morning." Mrs Kim explained. "Yeah we should sleep too" nj put his hand on jin's shoulder and pulled him in his room.
The room was okay-okay. There were many posters of rappers on wall and simple bed and Cupboard. They put their bags on corner. "I am too tired" Jin said and jumped on bed. Nj chuckled."okay will shower in  the morning" he climbed beside jin.

He carefully removed his and jin's shoes. And spooned jin after kissing his lips. "Good night Joonie"
"Good night babyboy" jin giggled.

Next day Jin opened his eyes as he heard a old korean classical music. First he didn't understand where he was but then he remembered. He jumped off his bed as there was no Namjoon near him and he realized he was the only one who hadn't waken up. He got ready in rush and came outside in kitchen.

He had decided to impress Mrs and Mr. Kim by his cooking skills but he scoffed as he saw breakfast was already done. "Good morning Jin. Did you sleep well?" Mrs Kim asked smiling. Before jin could reply Mr. kim said, "off course he did. Didnt you hear snoring last night?"

Jin looked down in embarrassment. Did he really snore? Mrs Kim giggled making him sit at the table. "Dad are we really going?" Namjoon entered the room with trekking shoes in his hands. He asked excitedly. "Yeah off course son! It's family tradition"
"Great!" Namjoon said putting his shoes aside and washing his hands. He sat near jin and gave him a smile. Jin missed his morning kiss but there was no way he would ask for one in front of the kims.

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