3. Bad-Bye

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Next morning, the sound of waves woke up Nj. He realized he was hugging something soft. Something was over his chest and he was holding it tightly as if he didn't want to lose it. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a naked man on him. And he found, it was no ordinary man, but the martini guy! NJ gulped. He didn't move. He didn't want to wake up his new buddy until he digest the whole situation by himself first. He tried to remember, and pain felt in his head. It was hangover head ache. He looked around, they were in truck. He was lying uncomfortably on both driver and passenger seats like a bridge and other was over him comfortably sleeping.
After few moments, he remembered how he dragged the other guy out of the club. He remembered the kiss. He remembered everything from last night. He was embarrassed. He tried to remove the guy from his body but the other body was completely dependent on him. He wanted to leave but he couldn't throw naked body on the beach and went with truck. He thought about leaving without truck but he didn't afford to lose the truck either. He had no choice but to wait till the other guy wakes up.
"What the situation am I in?!! I don't know even his name. I just know he is good vocalist who snatched my job, loves martini and acts cute af when drunk!" NJ thought.
Suddenly a ringtone broke the silence. It was not his handphone. He tried to grab phone and saw two sparkling shocked eyes looking at him over his chest.
"Hyaaaaaa who are you? Where am I?" Jin shouted.
Handphone stopped ringing.
He was too much shocked seeing himself naked with the other guy!!  He tried to get control over his body. But as he tried to move he realized two arms still holding him. But NJ also realized it and let him free. He got away from NJ, grabbing clothes he could find.
He looked at surrounding thankfully no was there. "Hyaaaa who are you? Did you kidnapped me? What do you want?" He shouted again.
His high pitched voice caused Namjoon headache again.
"Uhhh" NJ said and pushed Jin away completely freeing himself. He sat and wore shirt and came outside of truck taking his pants.
Jin got frustrated being ignored. He was holding his shirt to cover himself. And he kept shouting for explanation.
"Ah!! How noisy. Just put some clothes on first" Nj said with husky voice. He put his pants and walked some distance away from truck. Soft sand felt good to his barefeet. He walked towards the sea and gazed at the waves, turning his back to truck giving the other some privacy to put some clothes.
Jin realized other man was right. He quietly put his clothes and came out of the car. His head was heavy. He tried to remember about last night. He only remembered going to club and drinking at the bar.
He came near Nj and asked," are you a designated driver for me? Why didn't you drive me home? Why are we here? Where is my car? Whats up with this old truck? And what the hell! why are we on beach??!!!!!!!!" Jin started shouting again.
Nj just gave him irritated look and went towards truck.
"Hyaaa you need to answer. You can not ignore me like this? Do you do this to every drunk person you drive?? Do you want me to talk to your company? I could get you fired...." Jin was unstoppable.
But Nj cuts him in middle of his shouting. Grab him and put him in truck. Put the seat belt and sat on driver's seat.
It was so unpredicted and fast that jin couldn't say anything until NJ started his truck.
"Hyaaa where are you taking me? Ok i am sorry I won't complain to anybody please let me go home?"
Namjoon was so frustrated. He thought how can someone so peaceful while sleeping be this irritating when awake.!!
Jin stopped talking when I stopped car near small shack.
"What is this? Why did you stop here??" Jin asked again.
Nj just parked the truck and went inside the shack.
It was cheap food shack. Namjoon ordered two hangover soups and sat on chair.
Jin came inside following nj. He gave weird looks when he saw condition of  shack. He sat next to nj.
"Who are you? Plz tell something to me. Plz spit out one word at least" jin asked angrily.
"We met at the club last night. We were both drunk. I guess your head must be hurting too bcaz of hangover. So plz let's have hangover soup first!" Namjoon finally replied. Jin agreed. His head was also aching. He checked his handphone. "6 miss calls from kookie" jin read the notification.
"Shits!! Kookie! Yes right we went together. Where is he? Why is he not with me??" Jin thought.
Jin called kookie.
K- hello? Jin? Hya where r u? R u fine?
J- i am fine jk. R u at club?
K- yes. I am at food arena of club.
J - ok i am coming there in 10 mins. If we leave till 10 am still we can reach office on time.
K- okay
Jin ended call. Nj was listening to the whole conversation. Now the martini guy sounded like mature person unlike when he was yelling in the car.
Aajumoni brought two bowls of soup and put in front of them. First time jin was eating at cheap food shack. But he didn't complain. He was hungry too. Both drank it quietly.
"What is your name?" Nj asked. He was embarrassed that they didn't even know their names and he was already feeling being close.
"Seokjin" jin said. He was surprised that other person didn't know his name. Usually people try to be friends with him because they knew who he was.
Nj just nodded. "Will you be telling yours?" Jin asked sarcastically.
"Namjoon" he answered.
"I know you have many questions but I can't answer them too. I don't know why we went to sea. And how this happened. We both were drunk." Nj continued.
"Let's just leave now. Can you drop me back at club?" This is only Jin could think of.
Namjoon nodded and  stood up. Aajumoni told 24000won for bill.
"Do you have change ? I have 50,000won." Jin asked.
"I have no money. This time you pay" nj said calmly and walked out.
"How can he come and order then? What mess would have been if I had no money too. What an idiot!" Jin thought. He paid for food and came outside.
Nj already sat in truck and waiting for jin, looking back at him from the window.

Nj already sat in truck and waiting for jin, looking back at him from the window

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Both headed back to club. No one said a word. There was awkwardness between the two. Jin couldn't believe he slept with a guy! And Namjoon didn't believe he slept with the person he thought he hated. But then he saw jin was rubbing his neck. He saw blue marks of hickies on his neck. He smirked remembering their last night. While jin was looking out of the car window.

~~~~~××××~~~~~<<<<Meanwhile>>>>Jungkook woke up in club's hangover room

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Jungkook woke up in club's hangover room. Only Gold members of club could stay there if they get too high to go home. He didn't remember when he went there. His head was too heavy to think. He searched for jin but failed to find. Jin was to picking up phone. He asked club's working staff but no one had seen him.
Suddenly he saw one familiar face so he went to talk to that person.
"Excuse me but you are the singer at Highfive restaurant right?"
Tae only nodded. He was searching Namjoon.
"Are you finding someone too?"
Jk asked.
"Yess.... my friend" tae answered.
Jk was gonna ask something but jin's call disturbed their conversation.
Both jin and nj reached at the club. Nj parked truck at the basement parking. And both came outside. Nj looked at jin's lips. Jin noticed that and he felt sudden shock all over his body. Before anything more could happen, he wanted to leave. "Thank you. Bye" jin said awkwardly.
He started walking away from car and suddenly felt grip on his wrist.
Namjoon hold jin's hand. Jin was SERIOUSLY scared. He didn't know what else nj wanted to do with him.
Nj pulled him back. Jin gulped and closed his eyes.
"Your coat is in the truck." Nj said in his husky voice and released his hand.
Jin opened his eyes. He saw Namjoon pointing towards trunk of the truck.
"Ahh nae nae!" He grabbed his coat in embarrassment.
"Jinnie there you are!" Jk shouted.
"Jinnie?" Nj laughed.
"Jungkook! Let's go.we are late!" Jin said seeing jk walking towards them.
"Wait, let me meet your friend first!" Jk said looking at nj.
"Hi, i am Namjoon" nj shakes hands with jk.
"Hello, i am jungkook. Thanks for helping jin. I am sorry if it caused you any trouble" jk said as he thought nj found drunk jin somewhere near the club and  gave jin ride back home.
"No. it's okay. It was completely my pleasure!" Nj said looking at jin.
Jin became so awkward that he couldn't wait there any longer.
"Hya let's go! Hurry up" jin said and walked out , not even looking back.
"Ah sorry. He must be feeling sick. We must go! Thank you again." Jk said with a smile.
Both took elevator as jk parked car at the main entrance.
After making sure that jin has left. Namjoon called tae asked him to come at the basement.
"Dude! Where were you? At least you should have called." Tae argued.
"I was bored at club so I went for long drive" nj said.
Both headed back to home.
Tae was driving the truck while nj was checking his phone.
He opened gallery and started looking at pictures he took last night. There was half naked jin sleeping in them.
Nj smiled. He had fallen for this guy.
"Seokjin" he mumbled.

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