27. Odeng-ie and Eomuk-ie

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Namjoon slowly entered the suite where jin & him were staying. It's been 2 days since he brought jin from jungkook & noon with the help of Yoongi & hoseok.

Doc had already checked him and proper medication was started. But yet jin was switching back & forth from past to present. His behavior would change accordingly. Nj was all prepared for any avatar though. He wanted to cure jin as fast as possible.

He decided he won't debue with the other guys and told the agency to break the contract. They were pissed off but Yoongi paid the compensation. Now here he was again at zero. No career. No love.

But this time, all he wanted was to cure his love. He sighed as no activity was there in living room. He closed the door and went into bedroom.

"What the hell namjoon! How long have planned to keep me here? Where is my phone? You know you could jail to keep me here!" Jin yelled as he sat on bed, arms hugging his knees.

Nj smiled at 'present jin'. "I have present for you"
Nj said as he held a big box cover with cloth in front of jin.
"Wht the hell is that?" Jin asked looking at the box curiously. "Come & open up"

Jin rolled his eyes as his one wrist was cuffed to the headpost.
"Ahh my bad" nj chucked as he came closer to jin & pecked his lips.
Jin huffed. But nj could sense his anger was surely fading slowly. He uncuffed jin & he uncovered the cloth from the box thingy.

Apparently it's wasn't a box but a cage and a pair of sugar gliders sitting inside. They looked at jin with their big eyes. Jin jumped from surprise.
"No silly. Those are sugar gliders."

"Woahh...you can keep those things?"

"Yeah they are good pets. Those are yours now. Do you like them? Sugar gliders are said to be very honest"

"Unlike some humans" jin taunted nj as he took one of them in hands.
Nj ignored the taunt as he saw happiness on jin's face.
Actually doc told him to surround jin with lots of love. She suggested a pet can improve his behavior as his mind subconsciously is scared to trust anyone.

"What do you wanna name them?"

Jin thought really hard while playing with them. "Umm..Odeng and Eomuk"

"Woahh you named them after rice cakes. Hehe that's so sweet jinnie"
Jin only smiled, his eye not leaving the cute sugar gliders.

<<<After one month>>>

Jin was slowly improving. But still he would go into little space sometimes and would throw tantrums. He would be scared of nj as a little boy. Or if he is out of little space he would be mad at nj for lying and nj would have to console it. Either way it would ended by having sex.

Jk once met jin in this past month, and actually sensed that jin was getting cured so he let him stay by nj's side, seeing how much nj was doing for him. He hated seeing his friend and CEO in little space but doc said it's just a phase and once he is cured, he will be out of it forever. Just like previous jin, but even better, he won't be scared of rappers and won't be scared from his past. Noona hated this though. But she couldn't refuse as now jk was not on his side too.

Namjoon came to hotel room as he bought food for them. He saw jin was drawing something in his drawing book, which means he was in little space. Nj sighed as it was more difficult for him to deal with little jin. Because he had little patience plus he couldn't be mad at little boy. But now nj was also learning to hold his anger.

"Jinnie?" Nj called.

A jin was curled into ball, laying on floor while colouring something. He was so busy in that, he didn't notice nj's presence. Nj sighed again and came near little jin.

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