12. Jealous Baby

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Next morning both got ready for going to office. Jin was in happy mood as he remembered how Nj took care of him and massaged him.

"Baby we need to talk go sit on couch i will be there in 5 mins." Nj shouted from half opened bed room.

Jin obeyed. He was curious what Nj had to tell him. Nj came out fully dressed into formal clothes. He sat in front of jin on floor.

"Jinnie baby, i am gonna find you new suitable personal assistant. He would do all your work perfectly and not be trouble to you. I am gonna quit after my 7-days contract. I am not gonna continue."

"W-why. Is it because you are mad at me? Bcaz of yes-yesterday?" Jin was worried.

"No baby. It was plan from beginning. I never wanted a job at your company. I wanted to make sure you are okay. I am not an office person. I hate this kinda jobs."

"But I would like you to stay. I will be good boy. I promise daddy" jin said feeling still guilty.

"You have to be. But my decision is made. I am gonna find you new PA whom I can trust. He will be with you all the time in office, guarding everything but not taking advantage of you."
Jin was only listening.
"And yes after this week end, i wont be living here too"

"Why now?" Jin didn't like what he heard. He was getting habit of Nj in his house ordering him.

"I told you. I came here because of what happened with mr. Lee. I will be coming only on weekends like it was before"

Jin wanted to asked more but Nj just stood up and took car keys.
"Now let's go"

As both reached office. Nj left jin at his cabin and locked from outside.
"I will be back in 1 hr. Just stay here and do your work"

Nj took a round of whole company observing everyone. He was hoping to find at least one person who he can appoint as jin's pa.
He wanted a person to be quick at action so that can help jin whenever he is not with jin. But he don't want anyone who could flirt with jin. He cant be worried when he would have to leave them alone in cabin.

After 1 hr. Nj entered jin's cabin.
"Here is today's schedule" nj handed a paper to jin.
Jin looked at paper and it was normal schedule. All boring office work.
"What is this! I don't want this. Where are the in-betweens?" Jin wanted to refer all the inappropriate stuff that Nj wrote yesterday.

"That's not happening today baby" nj smirked.

"You are still mad at me. I said I am sorry. Why are you being like this" jin said while being needy.

"I said No. My words are gonna be final. Now do your work" nj said and turned facing in opposite direction.

Jin didn't know what to do. He wanted Nj to notice him. Do stuff with him.

Jin pushed all the things down which where on table and sat on table.
Nj looked back as he heard the sound. He was shocked how needy jin had become.

"I know you want this daddy." Jin smirked teasing nj.

Omg, i am so turned on right now. Jin being in his boss suit sitting on his office table and spreading his legs. No one to interrupt us in his cabin as others would think we are working here. But as I went near him i saw bruises and marks on jin's body of yesterday's event. My pride was hurt. It remind me how I failed protecting my property. My pet. My baby. My jin. I stepped back.

"Stop. Not happening" nj said.

"Why not daddy???" Asked jin now getting little angry.

"You are still not healed. You have bruises that I did not made. I won't hurt you again before that." Nj was firmed.

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