31. For you

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Jin's pov :-


I read that name and just stand there. The stage name is so scary but the give name beside that calms me. Kim Namjoon.

It somehow comforts me. I just stare at the piece of paper going into deep thoughts. I have been into so much lately. But the fact that Namjoon gave up his dream and passion because of me bothers me. I know even though I forgave Namjoon for lying and hiding I still can't be with any rapper.

Ex rapper is fine. That's why I was able to talk to Yoongi too. I was really relieved when Namjoon told me that he has given up his rapping career and he will find something else. But now that I see this contract, I realize he was so close to his dream. He wae about to debut. He was about to become star. And he waited for it so long. His dream since childhood. He even fought with his parents as what Taehyung was saying earlier. And now for me ...just for me he gave that everything away.

I feel like worse person. I don't know how long I kept thinking untill two firm hands are wrapped around my waist. A head is rested on my back after placing a kiss on my nape. That gives me electric sensation through my spine. "Namjoon?"


"Why did you choose name Rap Monster?" I ask. I have to.

He raises his head up and looks at the paper i am holding. He slowly takes it from me and throws it the bin after taking deep breath. "Forget that"he mumbles.

"No. Tell me!" I insist. Now we are standing face to face.

He sighs loudly and holds my waist. He leans and pecks my nose. "It was silly name that I thought. May be Its because I was really a monster though, for blackmailing you. Sorry jin" he looks at the ground.

I can't watch him like that. Even though what he is saying is right and I really shree when he blackmailed me, still I can't watch him suffer. Because whenever he is sad, I feel worse.

I raise his chin up and peck his lips. "I am glad we are still together." I smile at him and he does the same. Soon he pulls me into a deep kiss before I can say anything else.  I wrap my hands firmly around his neck kissing him back.

This is most amazing and dangerous thing about the kiss with Namjoon. The way he swirls his tongue and bits my lips while kissing make me forget everything. I mean EVERYTHING!

I forget the time. I forget the place we are right now. I forget if I am mad at him. I forget if we had a fight. My mind just goes blank and only thing I feel is his touch.

He takes me into his comforting arms and I rest my head on his chest. The most secure feeling ever. I don't want to end this moment ever. He slowly keeps caressing my hair and my back.

 He slowly keeps caressing my hair and my back

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<<<6 months later>>>

I wake up as a hand caress my messy hair gently and a kiss is placed on my forehead. I smell a very familiar smell so a smile appear on my face without even opening my eyes.

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