30. Accepted

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<<<6 hours before>>>

Namjoon dozed off, while laying on top of jin in old truck. He woke up as the later moved under him little bit. He quickly got up and looked at jin. "Get off me!" Jin yelled pushing Namjoon further away by resting his palms on Nj's chest.

Nj sat up on one seat. Jin tried to get up but stopped as he felt back pain.
"Let me help you!"

"No! Go away!"

Jin said looking scared. It looked like jin was fully out of the little space and now had recognized Namjoon and how he hid his identity as a rapper. He was angry and scared at the same time.

"Jinnie...it's fine...its me... your Namjoon" Namjoon said trying to comfort him.

Jin looked around and grabbed the clothes he could find. It was nj's shirt. He put it on him quickly and got out of car. He screamed as now pain was felt in his butt too.

Nj also searched for reaming clothes and got outside. He wore jin's sweater which was actually for little jin. But he didn't care right now. He wanted to chase after jin. He wore his pants in hurry and took jin's pant in his hand and walked towards jin who was walking towards the waves wearing only long shirt.

It was still dark everywhere. Nj could see jin's figure line walking. He ran and took him into embrace from back.

"Jin! You are back! I am so happy!"

"What do you mean?"

Nj turned jin to face him. But as soon as Jin saw his face, Jin pushed Nj again and  ran on the shore along the side of waves. Nj sighed and ran behind him. Jin 's body was trembling as with each step he would take, he would feel pain. But he wanted to go away from Nj.

"Jin, wait. You will hurt yourself!"

The moment nj completed his sentence, jin trembled on a rock that he couldn't see and fell on ground. "Jin!" Nj ran and held him.
Jin couldn't got up and run away anymore. He looked down at his ankle. It was sprained badly.

Nj sat in front of him and he gently held his leg. "Are you fine!?" But as jin tried to move his ankle and  he screamed. Nj held him by his waist help him to stand.

"No don't touch me!"

"You are hurt. Jin plz let me help you"

"I am fine. Get lost"

Nj sighed and let go of jin. Jin tried again to stand but he whined and sat on the sand, hugging his knees. He frowned as he realized he not even had his phone. He had no choice but sit there until the dawn, to get some help.

Nj sat near him poking his finger in sand. Few minutes passed silently as no one talked anything. The only sound was of waves hitting shores.

"Jinnie?" Nj spoke breaking the silence. Jin didn't reply but Nj knew he was listening.
"I know you are mad at me. And you want me to be gone from your life but before going please hear me out for just one time"

The darkness was making difficult for Namjoon to understand jin's expressions but Nj took his silence as yes. Otherwise he would have yelled to get away or get lost.

"The moment I saw you, I was attracted to you. A beautiful man drinking Martini. It will be lie if I say I loved you from that moment because I understand love is something that is built up and takes time." He took deep breath and continued," when I met you i was ashamed of myself. I was failure in everything. My career, my relationship with friends and family.... everything was mess.." His voice was stuck in his throat and his eyes were teary.

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