9. Namjoon's property

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<<<< One month later >>>>>
Jin was quite used to Namjoon now. They were meeting every alternate days and Nj was staying every weekend at Jin's house.
Though Nj still was rough and dominating, Jin had started liking Nj's company. He wouldn't admit though.
He still was behaving like he didn't want to spend time with Nj and he was forced to do it. But Nj didn't care about it anyway. He wanted to have jin and he was getting every control over him. Jin the only thing he could control in his life right now.

Jin was getting ready for going to office though it was sunday.
"Why are you going today? It's a sunday!" Nj asked while back hugging jin who was looking in mirror.
"Ahh...I need to make important documents ready for tomorrow's client. Jungkook and I will have to do it at any cost...even if it's non working day!" Jin replied.
"You said you have so many employees. Why don't you tell any of them to do it!" Nj asked making his grip tighter around jin's west and pressing his head on his shoulder.

"I want to but some work can only be done by high position like CEO! Higher name comes with higher responsibilities" jin said calmly as he perfumed his navy suit.
"Are you bragging about being CEO in front of me baby boy?" Nj asked lifting his head up and moving his grip downwards from waist to his privates.
"No no daddy! I am just saying I will have to go today. But I will make up for this, may be?" Jin tried to control the situation as he didn't want to make Nj angry. He knew the consequences.
"Hmm ok so you and this jungkook are gonna be alone whole day working in big office?" Nj asked with suspiciously.
"Don't worry daddy, jk is my best friend. I will be alright.!" Jin replied pouting.

I wish Nj was little bit more passionate about anything in life... well...besides me. He does some part time job as driver but he is not very dedicated to it. He misses it whenever he wants to spend time with me. He seems so lost. If he finds his passion will he be more human like ? Or less rough and dominating?

Jin had many questions but he didn't ask anything.
He took car keys and called jk.
"Yes jk i am just leaving. I will reach in 15 mins." Jin said keeping his phone on speaker while putting on shoes.
Nj was sitting in leaving room listening to call.
"Jin today client is gonna join us in the afternoon for meeting. Before that we have to make everything ready. He is very busy man. See he insisted for keeping meeting on Sunday! He must be not wasting any time" jk spoke on other end of the line.
"Yes arasso! Don't worry we will convince him for investment." Jin replied back and ended call.

"Baby i don't feel good about this client. Something is fishy" nj said.

"Ahh. Not again. Mr. Lee is very reputed person. Look if you wanna check that you can come with me. Anyway there won't be anyone in office so I don't have to worry about rumours. I am sure JK will understand if I bring a friend." Jin said while standing in door.

"Nahh!. It's ok baby boy. Go now. But I am gonna have long meeting with you when you will come back! I will examine you then" nj said and smirked and winked at jin.

 But I am gonna have long meeting with you when you will come back! I will examine you then" nj said and smirked and winked at jin

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