19. Blind Jin

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Nj chuckled and went into bathroom leaving jin on bed with cock ring holding his Bonner high and butt plug eating him out. Jin was a big mess and remained moaning continuously as also begging his daddy.

Jin's body was hurting so much. He had no choice but endure all for making his daddy stay with him.

Truly speaking i have so many questions that need to be answered by Namjoon. Where he had gone? How did Yoongi know where he was and I DIDN'T? What exactly relationship he has with Yoongi? But I don't care now. I am just happy he is with me. I know I am stupid. I shouldn't be acting this way. But heart wants what it wants. I expected nj would greet me with lots of deep kisses and hugs and off course amazing sex. But instead i am getting anger sex. It's okay as long as he is with me. Because it makes me feel like he wants me. In the past, everyone had left me after using my body. I just don't want Namjoon to be one like them. I will do whatever it takes to make him stay.

Nj came out of shower with only towel around his waist. He removed butt plug and caressed jin's sweating body with wet hands. Jin shivered as nj's wet hands were cold touch to his sensitive body.

"Ahhhhh daddyyy plz f*ck me already"

Nj flipped jin again, making his arms crossed. He started spanking jin's naked butt.

"I said no cursing!!!"


"What?" *Spanked*

"I am sorryy daddy"


Nj went into kitchen and brought ice cubes. He held one in his mouth and trailed along jin's sensitive body. Jin shivered as cold ice moved from his back of neck to his waist through his back. "Ahhhhh shitssss"

Nj flipped jin again, taking other ice cube in his mouth. He pressed other half of ice cube on jin's neck. He pressed in his skin and trailed downwards. He stopped at jin's  hard nipples. He moved ice in circular pattern around his buds.
Jin moaned lifting his body upwards. He was so close to cum but Nj didn't remove the cock ring.

Nj's ice game lasted for quite long time. Jin's body was now all cold but he was feeling heat as he was all turned on. This resulted into total pain in his whole body.

Nj wiped jin's member from which precum was licking. "No cheating babyboy!"
Nj tested his precum and gave satisfied look. This made jin feel little better.
"Daddy i can't wait...plzzzz..."

"Plz what slut?"

"I want you in me..."

"Ummm...so desperate...*chk chk*"

Nj chuckled and pulled the leash making jin's head lift up as much as possible. His face turned red as belt was chocking him. Jin's panting finally made nj to gave in.

He put his first finger in followed by two more. Jin squealed as it was extremely painful and with out warning.

"Do forget babyboy it's not for fun! It's you punishment!"

Jin nodded and whimpered. Nj pulled out fingers and inserted himself inside jin. He started yanking with uneven pace and roughly. Jin screamed his lung out as nj was so animalistic rough and it didn't help him in size. Tears started falling again through his eyes.

"Ahhhhh it hurts ...."

"So ?"

"Daddyyy plzz"

"Want me to stop?"

"Noo take me full dadyyyyyy..more..."

Nj remained thrusting angrily. He was not sure whom he was angry at. Angry at Yoongi to make him leave his training? Or Angry at jin for putting him i difficult situation? Or himself for not treating his love the way he should be.

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