15. Boy in Luv

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Jin woke up in the dawn and found sleepy Namjoon cuddling him tightly under the bedsheets.
A smile appeared on his face. He loved to see Namjoon calm as it never scared him.
"Namjoonaa wake up...we need to go for meeting today" jin said trying to move under nj's arm.
"Shuuhhh....meeting is at 11. Why are you waking me up so early" nj said in his husky voice.

"Hmmm, guess we can sleep little more then" jin stopped moving and felt Namjoon hugging him even more tightly. He felt warm and comfortable.

Both were eating milk and cereal as there was nothing at Nj's house to make.
Jin didn't complained though. "We will take subway on the way" Nj said as he knew only cereal won't fill their stomach.

"Namjoon i am stressed for today's meeting" jin whined.
"Don't worry. We gonna win"
"Who's the investor that agreed for us btw? I was too dizzy yesterday to understand anything"
"Mr. Min" nj said while immediately trying to change subject,"are you fine now?"

"Yes. But I am still feeling nervous" jin was more than happy seeing his boyfriend worrying about him. He forgot to ask who Mr. Min.... that meant nj was succeeded in hiding.

Why am I happy for this smallest gesture? Why am I feeling this? This is first time I am being like this. Yes i sure like Namjoon but is it going any further? Am i falling in love? I don't care anymore he blackmailed me at the start. Now I just want him to be with me. What is this?

"You want daddy to care of that? Namjoon smirked.
"Yes plz" jin replied quickly.
Namjoon laughed loudly seeing how desperate jin had become. Jin was surprised as he saw him first time laughing so loudly. When he first met him, NJ used to rarely smile. Then he got more of smiley face of Joon and Now joon was literally laughing. Jin liked the change in NJ.

"You can laugh!!!!" Jin said.
"What do u mean. ?? Off course I can." Nj replied while picking jin up. Jin wrapped his legs around Nj's waist.

Nj put jin on couch. He kissed jin and intertwined their tongues. "Are you ready for quiky babyboy?"
"Yesss daddy!!"

Nj took jin right on couch giving him pleasure and releasing his tension. Jin was now not feeling stressed. But it couldn't last for long as jin saw his father's incoming call.

"Hello appa, I was..."
Jin was cut from voice on other line.

"Are you kidding me jin! Do you understand what is being CEO?"
Father yelled.

"Appa I am sorry but Mr. Lee was..."

"How dare you breaking ties with mr. Lee? Do you know how powerful he is? And now Kimsha going bankrupt? It's all over the news!!!"

"Appa it's just a rumour....today at the meeting i will..."

"Just a rumour? Do you even understand ??"

"Appa I am sorry but I am doing.. "

"You are still an embarrassment seokjin!! I was wrong for making you..."

Before jin's father could complete his sentence Namjoon grabbed jin's phone and ended call.
"You don't need this right now!" Nj said angrily. He heard jin's father and he was boiling inside.

How could he say that to jin! He is his father. Instead of guiding him he is blaming jin. He should ask if jin is ok or not! Does he know what mr. Lee tried to do to his own son??? I want to slap that man even if he is appa!

"What was that!! I was talking to him!" Jin shouted while tears falling over his cheeks.

"You call that talking? He was yelling and shouting at you without listening to you"

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