4. Bogoshipta (보고싶다)

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Namjoon woke up in the morning. He smelled something good. Smell was coming from kitchen. He came outside his room and saw Tae cooking scrambled eggs.
"Good morning tae" nj said and grabbed cup to pour himself some coffee.
"Good morning monnie! I am going for an audition. They are making new band group at highhit agency. Wish me luck!" Tae said and put two plates with scrambled eggs.
"Ahh right. Good luck! Fighting!"
Both had breakfast with general talk. Tae left and nj was sit to write lyrics for his new song.

It was one week since the club incidence. He off course didn't tell anyone about night with seokjin and tae wasn't an exception.
"What must be he doing? Is he trying to find me?" Nj began thinking.
He was missing seokjin already. How could he miss someone he barely knows? But he wanted to see his face again. He wanted to hold his soft hands and feel his deep breath.
But he had no idea how to find him. He didn't even know his surname.
"Highfive restaurant!!" Nj shouted. He suddenly got up. His eyes twinkled.
He got ready and went straight to Highfive restaurant.

Namjoon went inside and sat on empty seat near stage area.
"Excuse me sir? Would you like to order?" Waitress asked.
"Ahh hmm yess but after sometime!" Nj said without thinking.
"Ah are you perhaps expecting someone to join you?"
Nj only nodded.
"Ok i will take order after that. Plz be comfortable"
"Yes thank you. Umm btw would i know singers name and details that sings at night shift?"
Waitress looked at nj with confused eyes.
"Umm actually I listened his song few days ago. I really liked it. That's why. Is he gonna sing now too?"
Nj asked.
"Oh. No sir. Right now singer IU is gonna perform. She is also very good singer. You would love her too." Waitress said.
"Yeah sure. But may I know details of him? When should I visit here to meet him?" Nj insisted.
"Actually after 9 pm slot is still empty. But for 6 to 9 evening slot singer name Kim Taehyung sings." Waitress said.
"What???? Still empty?? Seokjin didn't got job?? Or did he not take it?" Nj thought.
He thanked waitress and started to leave.
"Sir your order?" Waitress asked.
"Ahh something came up. I will come again. Thank you" Namjoon said and left the restaurant.

Namjoon was really confuse. He had n idea how to find seokjin. "Why didn't he take job? Is it because of me? Did I said something horrible about job stealing when I was drunk?
No but he was more drunk than me. Even if I said anything he won't remember. Come on namjoon think carefully." Nj thought.
He started to remember every detail about seokjin to get at least one clue how to find him.
"Wait a minute, now i think of it seokjin was really wearing expensive clothes! He was also drinking so much martini. He didn't even take complementary drink. That means he must be rich. Why would he need job at restaurant? May be singing is his hobby??" Nj had no idea where to find him.
Then he remember how seokjin thought he was designed driver and he chuckled.

"Wait may be that's not bad idea. I will only have to drive at night so that I can focus on my rapping in the morning. Plus it would add some money. And i would get to listen songs in car too!! Why didn't I think of something like this before!" Nj thought.

 And i would get to listen songs in car too!! Why didn't I think of something like this before!" Nj thought

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Seokjin and jungkook were super busy last whole week.
Both didn't mention about the club night ever again. Seokjin didn't tell anyone about that night either.
He was very embarrassed and confused.
He wanted to find Namjoon but not because he was missing him but to make sure that he won't tell anyone too. He didn't want to have rumours about him in company.
He wanted to meet Namjoon one last time to make sure he will be quiet about everything.
"He must be embarrassed too. So probably he won't tell either. But I can't take risk. I need to talk to him" jin thought.

 I need to talk to him" jin thought

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<<<<After 2 days>>>>
"Tae i got it. I got job.!!" Nj said.
"Really? Wow where ? How?" Tae asked happily.
"Not as rapper but designated driver. I applied 2 days ago. I think I should earn money simultaneously as you. It's at night only." Nj said
Tae was feeling proud how his friend got little matured.
"Yes nj. That's a good idea. You would have plenty time still to work on rapping and lyrics." Tae supported.
"I am gonna start right from tomorrow!!" Nj replied.

Guys!! photos in between the writings are just to show approximate expressions of the characters. Hehe sorry for late update i will update soon!:)

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