38. Complicated

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"Now be a goodboy and please me" junjae said before attacking Jin's lips bruising them. Jin pushed Junjae on his chest using his both hands and turning his head on both sides, struggling. Frustrated junjae hold Jin's chin tightly forcing him to look at him. Both of them having chest up and down, heavy breathing.

"I hate you junjae! You haven't changed after all!" Jin hissed. Junjae grinned and lower his head. "Oh no I have changed. I used to love you in secret back then. Now I am willing to love you in front of all. I don't care anymore"

"Get away from me" Jin said struggling but Junjae has perfectly cornered inside making him trapped. He kissed Jin forcefully and without giving him a break. Jin's face became pink and sweaty. Junjae punched his skin under the shirt so hard than Jin opened his mouth. Junjae quickly rushed his tongue inside and sucked him out. Jin felt disgusted. Junjae was kissing him whenever he could get chance since two weeks but this was first time with so much saliva mixing.

When he was out of breath he stopped kissing. Jin's eyes were teary. "Oh god! You are so cute Jinnie. Just like back in high school. Why are you so adorable. Making me go crazy? Hmm? Baby boy!" He moved his finger on his bruised lips and then trailed over his neck which gave Jin chills. He struggled again under his grip but Junjae held him firmly. "Stop resisting jinnie? Why can't you understand I am helping you and making your life easier"

"You are not even human!! I was wrong believing you! I wished I listened to Namjoon" Jin cried and his one hand was free for a moment so he punched Junjae hard on face. This made Junjae more mad. "I was just gonna just tease you here but now I am gonna do more" he licked his lips. And held his both hands firmly. He flipped him hard and smashed on the door. His hand traveled inside his pants over his clothed member. Jin closed his eyes. "Junjae No! Stay away I am warning you!"

"Or what? Who's gonna come and help you? Umm? Bad boy!" He spanked him.

But suddenly someone kicked hard on the door of the stall, making it wide open. Junjae was shocked and was taken back seeing a man there, dagger his scary gaze at him.

"Namjoonah!" Jin exclaimed.

Namjoon didn't look at Jin, never leaving his eyes from Junjae, hating his existence. He walked closer only to punch Junjae on his face. Junjae lost his balance and fell down. Jin was at the corner of the stall, crossing his arms around himself watching scene in front of him. He felt relief seeing Namjoon but also felt like crying.

He was wrong about Junjae. He didn't listen to Namjoon. He agreed marrying this horrible person to get inheritance and lost Namjoon. And yet Namjoon just saved him.

Before Jin could complete his sentence, Namjoon kicked Junjae in his stomach. The later cursed in pain. Namjoon spitted on floor in disgust as he kicked once again. Junjae spitted blood and  was already unable to stand.

"Stop now...I am fine..." Jin said trying to hold Namjoon's arm. He didn't care about Junjae but he didnt want Namjoon to get in trouble if something happens to this bastard.

Namjoon still didn't look at him yet. He stopped kicking but he brushed away Jin's hands too. He didn't say a word. He didn't look at Jin and walked away. Jin cried silently. Tears falling from his eyes. He slowly got out of the stall. Junjae was hissing in pain but he didn't care. He got out of the restroom and returned to his parents and parents in law. He came and sat in front of his parents looking all pale.
"Where is Junjae?" Asked his mom.
Jin didn't hear anything. His mind was full of thoughts. He wanted Namjoon. He missed him so much. And his fake fiancé just tried to do something horrible to his body. He wasn't fine at all!

"Son? What happened?" Mother in law asked.

"Junjae just tried to force me" Jin said in his mind. He wanted to say this to his parents. But he stayed quiet. "Jin? Your mother just asked your something! Where is your fiancé?"

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