28. Still A Little?

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Jin tugged his lips under teeth, stopping himself from making noise. Tears fell down from his already wet cheeks. "Daddy help me please" he cried in his mind.

Namjoon yelled as he and jungkook were walking in, looking furiously at Mina Noona.

Noona was taken back, her hands quickly away from Jin, which made Jin run away from her towards Namjoon. Namjoon spread his arms taking jin into his embrace.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" Jungkook asked angrily. "Jinberry asked me for it!" Noona said casually not freaking out as she turned to a mirror. She began combing her hair as if nothing has happened.

Jin burried his face more into Nj's hug as Nj yelled at noona,"STOP LYING YOU B*TCH! JIN WOULD NEVER SAY ANYTHING LIKE THAT!"

"YESS! STOP USING LITTLE JIN AS A EXCUSE!" jungkook shouted, his eyes filled with anger.

"He is my dongseng! I know how to take cae of him. I have taken care of him for 6 years!"
She said admiring self reflection.

"And that's why I let you live here.! But you are so selfish! Using Jin's body for self satisfaction! I can't take this anymore!..." Jungkook said his fists clenched.

"you can't do anything! This is jin's house and he invited me here! Remember?" A smirk formed on her face.

"GET OUT" Namjoon shouted.



Namjoon wanted to say this since so long as jin himself took her in. But he she had blackmailed him plus Jungkook was against him. But now he had no fear.

"You can't do that!" She said still having over confidence.

Namjoon picked jin up and jin wrapped his legs around nj's waist. His head rested on nj's shoulder, still crying. "Get her out of here" nj said to Jk as he took jin in kitchen.

"I give you 10 mins to pack your things and get lost! Otherwise I will call the security!"

<<<One week after>>>

"Daddy! Daddy!" Jin yelled still a little wearing soft onesie.  Now its been one week since Namjoon and Jin moved back to jin's apartment after kicking out Noona. She cursed before going but eventually left anyway. But still Jin was a little and that was bothering namjoon.

Not like he hated little jin but he was too much to handle sometimes, mostly when he would throw tantrums and act like spoiled child. But main concern was, curing jin. Namjoon was blaming himself for jin's this condition and wanted jin back no matter what.

"what jinnie?" namjoon asked without looking up as he was writing down some lyrics. The band had already debuted without him and that was too much pain for him. "daddy ...look....jinnie draw a picture" jin showed namjoon a picture of him and Nj walking in a park. He had drawn himself as a small child and seeing that namjoon sighed. "what is this jinnie?" nj asked, his voice strict. 

"daddy not like?"

"why do you draw yourself as a small boy?"

"i am daddy's babyboy" he said proudly.

"thats it! i cant take this anymore" nj said pulling his hair. jin looking at him not understanding why his picture would bother his daddy. Nj picked jin up roughly as put on their bed. He started stripping jin. "daddy wanna play?" he asked siting naked. "not yet babyboy" nj said finding clothes in jin's cupboard.

"is daddy angry? i am in trouble daddy?"

"ah found them!" nj said taking out the same clothes that Jin was wearing when they met for first time at the bar. "i dont know if this will work but i am gonna try!" nj said mostly to himself.

He dressed up jin in same black suit and admired the beauty in front of him. "i dont like this. cant i wear panda onsie daddy?" jin asked pouting. "No!! i am doing to taking you out of the little space" he said. Jin didn't understand anything but he kept pouting.

"so cute baby" nj said as hi kissed jin passionately. he fixed jin's hair and wore the same clothes he was wearing when they met. white shirt and ripped jeans.

"lets go babyboy"



Jin clapped his hands together in excitement. "yay!" 

Namjoon drove them to his apartment first. "this is not beach" jin said frowing.

"wait sweety...we will meet Tae first and then go to beach ok? now be a good boy and dont talk too much"

Tae came outside the apartment as Nj parked jin's car there. "You finally came back bro"Tae said hugging namjoon. "yeah long time." nj smiled.

"how are things going?" 

"well I kinda gave up the job at restaurant but i am concentrating fully on finding debut" 

"good for you"

"sorry to hear that you lost your chance, though"

"its fine."

"so why did you tell me to bring out old truck keys?"

"i need it. I will tell all later okay?"

"daddy!!" jin came running who was standing behind their car. "i am scared alone" he said hugging nj. he looked at tae but hid behind namjoon.

"umm...isnt that CEO Kim seok jin?" 

"yeah..long story dont ask" nj said as he took jin and then sit in their old truck. nj bid goodbye to tae and he drove them towards the same beach.

"Jin!" Namjoon called. The later widened his eyes, confused how his daddy didn't called him as jinnie or babyboy?

"Do you remember anything? Do you remember meeting me? Going with me? And ...and ... This beach??" Namjoon asked, his voice much louder.

"What ....you saying...Daddy?" Jin asked as he was hugging a pillow he brought from the car earlier.

"Jin I want you to really concentrate. See the ocean? You wanted to swim like a fish but I stopped you? Remember?" Nj said as he pulled over the car, the same way as he did a year ago.

In front of them was ocean and namjoon opened the doors. He jumped out and pulled jin out too. He removed his shoes and jin giggled as soft sang tickled his feet. "It tickles" he said running on beach.

Namjoon stared at jin if he was showing any sign of return back from little space. But little jin was in his own world. Nj grabbed his hand and pulled him closer.

"May be this will remind you" nj whispered as he pecked his forehead. Jin blushed hard. Nj took him back to the truck and made him sit on the front seat as closed the door. "I wanna go for swim" jin  insinuated childishly.

Namjoon took his both hands in his, holding tightly. He loved the control over jin's body. Exact same. "No you aren't." He attacked jin's lips making them puff due to kissing and biting. Jin was taken back but kissed back. Nj started grinding his member against jin's and jin let out loud moan.


"I am gonna make you remember Jin. I am gonna bring you back"


Do you remember first chapter 'soju & martini?'😅❤

#warming#- smut in next chapter

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