22. Snake in the house

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Warning! SMUT is coming! Kinky.
Those who can't read it, go back now!

"I am gonna make you moan my name so loud...good luck for tonight bebe"

Namjoon said as he pulled jin up to sit. They both had sex for so many times now but every time Nj would say something like this, Jin could feel current rushing through his body and butterflies in his stomach.

"I am ready Daddy. Just do it" jin said while biting his already bruised bottom lip.

Namjoon stood up and took out their toys bag, clothes, rope and even some food that he already grabbed from kitchen in the evening.
Jin looked at various things that namjoon brought with curiosity. His eyes widened and twinkled as he got excited for up coming events.

Nj came closer to jin and undressed him very skillfully. He placed several wet kisses on his neck admiring his naked body. He bit hard on jin's flesh to make sure, markings can be seen tomorrow.

Then he held golden shimmering panties in front of him. "Wear it baby....wear for daddy" jin quickly followed his order.
Nj then put golden belt that he bought newly and put on his neck. He tightened the belt making sure to choke jin a little. Jin gasped as his neck was pulled by golden leash attached to his belt.

"Perfect" nj said as he scanned jin who was wearing golden panties and golden belt in neck only. He pulled jin on his lap by leash. He flipped him over such that his ass was in his hold.
"Who are you?"
Nj asked after spanking jin's ass hard.
Jin whimpered but he loved every part of it. "Slut-t" *spank*

"Who's slut are you?" *spank*

"I am daddy's slut" *spank*

"And who's daddy?" *spank*

"You...Namjoon is daddy" *spank*

"Yess right bebe.." *spank*

"Good babyboy" *spank*

Jin moaned after every spank with both pain and pleasure. Nj squeezed jin's butt cheeks in circular motion in between the spankings.


Soon room was filled with skin slapping and nj groaned each time when jin's reddened butt bounced with each spanking. Jin's booty was so much tender yet in shape, satisfying nj's urges.
Nj made sure their noises could be heard outside the room too, for someone to hear. Nj stretched elastic band of panties and released from distance. It bounded back hitting jin's skin so tightly. "Ahhhhh" jin moaned loudly as elastic tugs his soft skin.

After spanking jin hard and he flipped him again and  laid  him on bed, facing to the ceiling. Jin's face was already mess. Nj rushed his fingers in jin's soft but messy hair.
He softly started licking jin's neck, collarbone, chest but then going rough. Jin was continuously moaning. He caressed his delicate pink buds to make them hard. Jin wrapped his hands around nj's nape as nj pulled him into a thirsty kiss. He opened his mouth giving nj access to every part of his mouth. Nj kissed like his life is dependent on it.
"Wanna start the game bebe?"

"Yess daddy!!!"

"Want it rough?"

"Sure daddy" jin shouted in excitement and nj chuckled.

"Okay babyboy. Stay here for daddy"

Nj got off from jin to take several items. Jin laid back in the bed spreading his legs for Nj. His member was already hard and now was struggling with tight fabric to come out. Nj returned with the things as he saw jin's hand palming his own clothed member. He hit his hand annoyingly. "Stop that. It's mine!"

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