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I woke up as promised, with someone tripping over my legs. I groaned and jolted up, hitting my head against the wooden table. I let out a string of profanities, cursing the table and calling myself an idiot as I rubbed the sore spot on the side of my head, a small bump beginning to form.

"Sorry," I heard a female's voice call out to me. This time, I carefully crawled out, being mindful of both my head and the table, and saw Amy staring at me, her bottom lip between her teeth.

"No worries." I muttered, my eyes squinting from the light flooding into the R.V. "I was well warned that this could happen." I chuckled.

Amy smiled at me halfheartedly before walking out of the R.V. I fully stood up, feeling the familiar pop in my knees, and stretched out, my arms flying above my head. That was the best night's sleep I've gotten in a long time; I haven't felt this refreshed in a long time. Turning to face my new archnemesis, the table, I reached over, rummaged through my pack, and grabbed a flannel shirt, shoving my arms through the wrinkled sleeves. I walked over to the R.V. door, wondering whether I should step out yet. I could crawl back under my enemy and use it as a shield from the sun and snooze, something I haven't gotten much of lately. I shook off the laziness and stepped out, the sun beating down on my face and taking me by surprise. I looked around the camp, watching people walk around, doing their part to keep the camp functioning.

"You're awake." I turned around and saw Dale with his rifle perched on top of the R.V. "Didn't want to wake you. Seemed too comfortable down there under that table."

"Don't mention that demon," I grumbled under my breath before raising my voice, "You should've, though. I could've started fishing or doing laundry or something." I smiled at him, my hand flying up to shield my eyes from the sun.

"Shane and I agreed to let you and Rick sleep in today. Especially you. How long were you on the road again?" Dale asked.

"Too long," I shrugged, unaware of how much time I spent on that road. When you're trying to survive and see the next day, you don't pay much attention to time. All you know is that the days blend, and you live to see another day. "Anything for me to do?"

"You'll have to ask the ladies or Shane." Dale answered, "I hear you know your way around a gun."

"Yeah," I smiled, not wanting to talk about how or who taught me to shoot and hunt, "Well, thanks for letting me sleep in. Hey, what time is it anyway?"

"Quarter till 9" He smiled down at me. Oh wow! Usually, I'm up with the sun. They weren't lying when they said they let me sleep in. I nodded at him and waved bye to him, making my way to the center of camp. I looked at Carol and saw as she was ironing some clothes. She looked up at me and smiled warmly, her eyes lighting up.

"Hey, June." She said, "I washed some of your clothes. Had Andrea get them from your pack if you don't mind." Surprised, I raised my eyes and smiled at the mousy woman, happy to finally have clean clothes. Ah, how it's the little things in life that you miss.

"Thanks, Carol!" I exclaimed, probably more excitedly than I should've, "You should have woken me up, and I could've washed them myself. I hate to be a bother to you."

"Nonsense," She smiled, "You needed the rest." I couldn't help but analyze her face, seeing the beginnings of a bruise forming just above her eyebrow. I frowned slightly, knowing that her husband probably slapped her around yesterday to deal with his frustrations and anger with the group, practically me, since I gave him some lip.

"Thank you," I told her once more before walking away and going over to Glenn. I watched as the quiet one, Jim, worked under the hood, removing parts from the Challenger. Morales stripped the car of its wheels, and Dale had come down from his post to siphon the remaining gas. I placed my hand on Glenn's shoulder and sighed, disappointed to see them strip such a fine car. There goes my joy ride. I heard gravel under someone's feet but didn't turn around, watching intently as the men worked on the car. Rick stood beside me, watching, his gaze darting over to Glenn and me occasionally.

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