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I sat across from Rick, my legs tucked under me as I shoveled the contents of the MRE into my mouth. The sun was already setting, and the blackness of night was starting to peek through our windows. The fire I had built burned in between us, and bottles of water that we had found sat beside us. Rick ate like a madman, showing me just how hungry he was.

"Jesus, chew your food, Rick!" I laughed, "I don't know the Heimlich, and it'd be sad to report that you died by choking." He chuckled and shoveled more food into his mouth

"Can't help it," Rick chuckled, "It's good," Rick answered with his mouth full. I chuckled, and he resumed eating like a starving man.

"So, tomorrow," I started, "The plan is to go out there and get the weapons, right?" Rick nodded and sipped from the water bottle, "We get Jadis and her trash people to fight with us. We kill Negan and anyone else we need to to win," Rick looked at me and cocked his head, his eyes staring into mine, "What happens after that?"

"After that, we keep going," Rick answered simply. I don't know why, but the answer didn't sit well with me.

"Yeah, but..." I trailed, my brain starting to run a hundred miles per hour as all these snippets of history flooded me. "When Nazi Germany fell, the Allies helped them rebuild and denazify. After Japan surrendered, the United States sent General MacArthur to help reform the entire country. Who will do that after Negan's gone? Negan is the one making the world what it is right now, so what happens after he's gone? Doesn't that mean it's up to us to rebuild once he's gone?" Rick sighed and put his water bottle down, his eyes leaving mine.

"All the different communities, they can figure it out together, how to keep going together," Rick answered, his tone sounding unsure. I nodded and leaned forward, trying to think of ways to get the communities to come together and survive together. It's not like it will just happen naturally. We need to work on setting up these relationships.

"Yeah, but they're not gonna do it without someone taking charge," Rick nodded and lowered his head, another sigh escaping him. "It should be you. You're strong. You're diplomatic—plus, I think you're incredibly sexy when you get all authoritative." Rick chuckled and raised his gaze, a lopsided grin on his handsome face.

"Ah, so it comes out," Rick chuckled, "You only want me to do this so you could get your jollies," I giggled and ran a hand through my hair, my bottom lip finding its way between my teeth.

"You got me," I giggled and raised my hands, "But seriously, Rick." I let my smile fall and reached forward, my hand gripping his tightly, "You'd be good at it—no, scratch that. I think you'd be amazing at it if it's something you want."

"I don't think I do. Or I would," Rick squeezed my hand and got serious. His eyes scanned my face, and that smile from the previous night spread across his face, "But the two of us, you and me, reordering things together... I want that," He looked down nervously and cocked his head at me slightly, "If that's something you wanted," I couldn't help the goofy smile that spread. Does Rick want to do this with me?

"Yeah," I answered in a whisper, my cheeks flushing. Rick smiled and leaned over, his hand caressing my face. My breathing hitched and paused as he came closer, his lips sweetly sculpting against mine. A faint spell of dizziness swirled behind my closed lids as I returned the kiss, my head swimming. Rick pulled away from me and chuckled at me, his eyebrow cocking. Finally, remembering that I needed oxygen to survive, I breathed a sharp breath of air and blushed deeper. On cue, my stomach rumbled loudly, making us laugh.

"I don't know about you," I murmured and resumed picking at my food, "I'm going to eat about ten more of these,"


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