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The sun was still rising in the sky when I woke. The crickets still chirped all around us in the yard. Gently pushing myself away from Daryl, I moaned and stretched my arms above my head. Yesterday was a significant victory for us, but we couldn't stop now. We still had to clear the prison's courtyard and, hopefully, one cell block to start setting up base. I reached my left and grabbed my holster, knife, and machete. It's so nice to have a moment of silence to yourself. It's something that was taken for granted before all this happened.

Pushing myself to my feet – my holster and machete clipped around my waist—I started walking to the fence, my eyes darting to all the different walkers shuffling around in the courtyard. I wonder how the infection managed to worm itself into the prison. Did an inmate die and reanimate? Did a guard get bit before his shift and come to work running a fever? I guess it's something that will never be answered.

"You're up early." I turned to Rick, his hands rubbing his eyes ferociously as he tried to wake himself up. I nodded at him and wrapped my arms around my chest, feeling the crisp morning air bite me.

"I guess I'm just anxious to get started." I shrugged as I focused on the walkers paying us no mind. "We really need this."

"Not arguing with you there." Rick agreed, his hands touching his waist as he probably tried counting the walkers. "Too many to count." He frowned as he gave up on his attempts. I nodded, my feet automatically moving independently as I walked around the fence. The fence was secure—no holes, gaps, and no way for one of these undead bastards to slip through. The sun rose higher in the sky, my watch reading 6:30 on the dot when most of the group rustled around. Daryl and Carol were off, walking rather closely as they continued around the fence. I couldn't help but smirk as I saw Carol smile up at him with her baby-blue eyes. Obviously, she's into him, and I think Daryl needs a little push so he can go for it! If anyone needs to get laid, it's him. He's such a grouch.

"Everyone is awake, or they're starting to wake up," I announced to Rick as I looked at the rest of the group. "Let's give them about half an hour more. Then we'll get started." Rick nodded at me as we continued slowly walking around the perimeter of the fence. He spent at least two hours last night walking around the fence—making sure it wasn't compromised, yet here we are, continuing our search as if we'd find something to ruin our hopes.

"You know, I was thinking." Rick started, the both of us stopping in our tracks to look at one another. "Big prison like this should have a library, so I thought that maybe once we get everything settled and maybe find a few other people... you could hold history classes?" I looked at him and smiled, surprised that he thought teaching history classes was a good idea. Most people think the subject is boring; I can't blame them. All the dates and such can get overwhelming.

"I don't know if many people will come." I chuckled as I fiddled around with the hair tie around my wrist. "A lot of people don't like the subject."

"Carl does." Rick retorted as he shot a glance back to his growing boy. "I see how he's glued to your hip when you go on." I smiled again, primarily to myself, as I raised my hands and tied my hair into a ponytail.

"Let's settle in first, get rid of as many walkers as possible, and then we'll talk about it." I compromised as I gave one final tug at my ponytail, tightening the hold of the hair tie. Rick smiled before looking back at the overrun courtyard, his eyes scanning every inch of the yard. I shot one more glance towards the yard and sucked in a deep breath, uncertainty and adrenaline starting to course within me.

I patted Rick once on the shoulder before making the long walk back towards the group, the lot of them all gathered around the lowly lit fire. I know Lori is all for enjoying this for a few days and then clearing out the courtyard and cell blocks, but the baby could be here in a few days. We have no time to waste. They all eyed me as I approached them, anticipating today's game plan. I turned around and whistled loudly, raising my hand high and waving Rick over. He jogged to us, sweat already starting to form on his brow. That's another thing; we need to get out of this heat—sure, it's going to be just as hot in the prison, but we won't be exposed to the harsh sun.

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