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The pain in my chest increased as I tried to take deep breaths. The crushing weight of guilt overwhelmed me as I stared at the little body. Rick and I never should've left her alone. We could've easily taken on those walkers right then and there, so why did we run off? I know how to track, so why didn't I study the ground when we realized Sophia was gone? Then that way, I could've sent Rick toward the group, and I could've started to search for her. Maybe I would've found her immediately instead of wasting more time running back with Rick and gathering a small group. If only we had been faster. If only we hadn't left her alone. If only... if only... if only...

Carol's heartbreaking sobs rang through the air, mourning the loss of her only daughter. I couldn't begin to imagine her loss. Sure, I lost my family, but to lose a child? That must be a whole level of pain – one I wouldn't wish on anyone. With watery eyes, I glanced at everyone around me, my gaze settling upon Hershel. How can we stand here and ridicule him for believing these people were sick when we held out hope for a little girl surviving in the woods for a week? I slowly rose to my feet, trying to compose myself as a mixture of emotions washed over me. Shane had no right to lose his shit as he did, but if he hadn't, we would've never found Sophia – I have to give him that.

Beth ran forward, her voice choking as she sobbed. She cried as she cradled the diseased head of a woman – most likely her mother – and shook. Suddenly, the walker growled, grabbing Beth. Her sobs became screams as the walker tried to sink its blackened teeth into her. I jolted forward and grabbed my knife, kicking the walker's head and diving my knife deep into the skull. I grabbed Beth by her arms and pulled her up, inspecting her for bites. She hugged me and continued to cry in both fear and grief. Hershel walked up to us, tapping his daughter on the shoulder and taking her as she buried herself into him.

As they turned to go home, I walked alongside them, keeping a close eye on the older man and his family. Beth reached for me and grabbed my hand tightly, dragging me closer to her and her father as she continued to sob. I allowed her to pull me with them, knowing how she felt and her grief. The death of a parent hits you hard, especially when you don't have time to say goodbye.

"We've been out. We've been combing these woods looking for her, and she was in there all along? You knew." Shane accused, catching up to us. This is not the time!

"Shane, leave them alone!" I shouted at him, finally reaching my breaking point with the man. He incites all this and then further attacks the family after blatantly disrespecting their beliefs and rules? No, that's not gonna fly. Rick tried to hold Shane back but failed. The group was gathered, walking a few feet behind us, and watched as things transpired. Gee guys, don't you all come to stop this raging asshole at once.

"You knew, and you kept it from us." Shane continued, completely blowing Rick and me off. Hershel looked at me, his face red as he, too, was fed up with the asshole behind us.

"I didn't know," Hershel answered, refusing to look back at Shane.

"That's bullshit." Shane shouted, "I think y'all knew!"

"We didn't know!" Maggie shouted as she grabbed my left hand. Does this mean the Hershel family has taken to me? Did they deem me worthy? We neared the house, the family taking me up the steps.

"Why was she there?!" Shane demanded, stopping at the steps as he glared. His brown eyes landed on me, and he shook his head disapprovingly as if I were betraying them for the family next to me.

"Otis put those people in the barn!" Hershel finally explained, "Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed."

"You expect me to believe that?" Shane scoffed, inching closer up the steps. I took in the scene playing out before me, my eyes taking me to the group huddled behind Shane. They were scared. Of what? My best guess is Shane, but who knows at this point? "Do I look like an idiot to you?" I pursed my lips, trying hard to keep my mouth shut. Yes, he did look like an idiot right now. This family has no answers, yet he's demanding them for some.

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