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The prison was eerily quiet this gorgeous morning. Rick and I had stayed up for almost two nights in a row, discussing our plan for the incoming attack. We knew it would happen soon, especially after Merle went rogue and tried ending matters himself. Merle sacrificed himself trying to do something good, even if it was just for Daryl's sake; I felt eternally indebted to him.

Judith stirred in my arms, soft snores emitting as I continued to rock her. I've been packed up since Daryl returned without Merle, so I spent some time with the baby until everyone was ready. Rick and I agreed that Hershel, Carl, Beth, and Judith would take a car and park somewhere in the woods, away from the fight.

Carl was not happy—not one bit. He'd been moody for the past week or so, but when Rick and I broke the news to him, he threw a fit. Since knowing him, that was the first time I've seen him behave like that. He cussed up a storm, taking both of us by surprise. Rick had to snap into parent mode and quickly put Carl back in his place, but that didn't mean he wasn't still mad at us. He'll soon understand that we're doing it for his own good. We can't let him lose what little innocence he has left – not yet.

I walked down the stairs, taking each step slowly as I watched the rest of the group pack up their things. Carl stormed out of his cell, his beautiful blue eyes landing on me with a scowl on his face. I couldn't help the frown that spread across my lips. I'm not too fond of this new attitude; I can't imagine how Lori felt every time he snapped or flashed her the same look.

He hitched his bag higher up his shoulder as he turned the other way, his sheriff's hat finding its rightful place on his head. Beth came to me, her arms extended for Judith. I handed the baby over and felt a pain in my chest as her warmth left me. I hope those two are safe out there in the woods. The squeaky door leading outside shut loudly, signaling Carl had already left the building.

Not wasting any time, I ran outside to catch up to him. I caught up to him near the cars, a few feet away from Rick, and grabbed him. He frowned deeply and angrily shoved my hand off him as he continued forward. I balled my hand into a fist, feeling dejected with tears threatening to well up in my eyes. He's outraged, but he has to see that we're only trying to protect him. Michonne walked up to me, seeing the interaction between the fuming boy and myself, and placed a hand on my shoulder. Her lips tightened into a straight line as she patted me before walking ahead. Rick frowned and grabbed his son, attempting to talk to the boy. Carl shrugged him off and stalked towards the car they would use to hide out.

Daryl approached me, his eyes hard and his angel wings vest zipped up. I frowned at him and sighed, seeing my pack slung on his shoulder with his own and his crossbow. Michonne and Rick approached us, their hands stuffed in their jackets. We gathered and watched as the rest of the group poured out of the prison with their things. I looked toward Michonne and frowned, still feeling guilty about the Merle ordeal.

"I'm sorry," I broke the silence, my eyes still firmly on her, "For putting you through all that bullshit." Michonne smiled slightly at me and nodded, her eyes lighting up.

"I get it," She spoke, her eyes darting to Rick as she also talked to him, "You were trying to take care of your family,"

"You're a part of that family," I stated, watching as her smile widened, "You're stuck with us now, gorgeous," I chuckled as I threw in the compliment. She snorted and shook her head, knowing I was right – about both things. Slowly, the group gathered around us, their eyes on Rick and me as we shared a look. "Let's head out,"


The building vibrated and shook as bullets pierced the walls. An explosion echoed throughout the tombs, making me cast a worried glance at Daryl. My grip tightened on my machine gun, fear striking my heart. The blackness of the tombs put me on edge. We risk being attacked by walkers from the rear, which made me uneasy. A hand squeezed my shoulder, trying to help me relax. I looked back at Daryl and nodded at him, my way of thanking him for trying to calm me. He shifted slightly and gripped his gun, paying attention to the shouts outside the prison.

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