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Maggie hugged herself by the fire, her sobs cutting through the silence. She's been this way for two weeks, and while it was sometimes annoying, it was completely understandable. Her father is dead, and now her little sister is too. She's completely and utterly alone in this world. Sure, she has us, but that's not the same. We can't fill the hole that the loss of her family has made, but we can sure as hell try. Despite her grievances, I can see her improving as the days pass. We buried Beth two weeks ago in a field just outside of Atlanta—a wide-open field with knee-high grass and wildflowers growing everywhere, a place she would've loved. Since her burial, we've slowly made our way toward Richmond, Virginia, trying to get Noah back home as Beth had promised. Noah is a good kid—well, he isn't a kid, and he'll kill me if he heard me refer to him as one—and he's proven to be a valuable member. He's the first person we've accepted without being cautious around him.

We're camped outside Greensboro, North Carolina, just about 200 miles away from Richmond. Today, Rick, Michonne, Jacob, Tyreese, Noah, and Glenn drove ahead toward Richmond to scope the community out before joining them—ensure it's safe for all of us. They left when the sky was dark, maybe an hour before the sun decided to rise. I sat near one of our vehicles and rubbed my eyes, worry and exhaustion getting the best of me. They should already be there, right? Then why haven't they checked in using the long-range walkie-talkies? The sound of Maggie sniffling put me on edge even more, making my chest hurt with anxiety. Carl, Selena, and Judith rested in the large van opposite me, lowly talking to one another and playing with Judith's hands as she slept between them. Sasha, Abraham, and Tara walked the perimeter, watching for any walkers or people. Rosita, Eugene, Gabriel, and Carol were minding their business, keeping a reasonable distance from the mourning woman by the fire.

"Let's go," I jumped at the sound of Daryl's rough voice, taken by surprise. I turned to my left and frowned as he stood there with his crossbow slung over his shoulder, looking no better than Maggie. Beth's death had hit Daryl pretty hard, too. They'd become the most unlikely of friends in the time they spent together after the prison fell.

"Where?" I croaked, my throat suddenly dry as he glared down at me. Daryl bit his lip and nodded towards the woods, a look of annoyance flashing across his rough face. Deciding to trust the man, I stood up and followed closely as he led us deeper into the woods. This is the first time in the twoish odd years that I have known this man where I don't know how to approach him. I don't know how to speak to him without feeling awkward. He's been distant... reclusive—almost exactly how he was when I met him.

"You still got that silencer?" His gruff voice startled me again, tearing me out of my thoughts. Wordlessly, I nodded, disregarding that he was ahead of me and not turning back.

"Yes," I whispered, my eyes darting around the wilderness. Daryl grunted at me once more and continued leading us deeper into the shady woods. I grabbed my gun and looked around, curious about where Daryl was taking me. Is he going to suggest we hunt? Or is he out here to kill me? Okay, that last one wasn't very funny, but I feel like this happens before one friend turns on another in all those movies I watched. I kept my footing light, and my eyes peeled to the ground, suddenly unsure of myself. After twenty minutes of aimlessly walking behind the big man with me, I crashed into him, my head hitting his shoulder. I hissed in pain, rubbed the spot on my forehead that connected with his shoulder, and looked up at him, wincing at his annoyed look. I looked around us, purposely avoiding his glare, and tried to spot any animals or walkers that could take up both of our attention.

"Why're you being a little shit?" I looked at the man and frowned, feeling like a child about to be scolded. I gripped my gun tighter and diverted my attention to my feet. "For two whole goddamn weeks, you've been—" He cut himself off, his lips pursing as he tried to find the right words, "A shit," A smile pressed itself on my lips at his uncreative choice of words. I guess I have been a shit lately, but I've been trying to give him his space since he's been extra moody.

"I guess—" I started, my eyes finding his and the smallest of smiles spreading across my cracked lips, "I guess I have been a shit, huh?" Daryl nodded and leaned against the nearest tree, his pale blue eyes glued to me. "I'm just trying to give you space,"

"Why?" I bit my lip and looked away, suddenly finding the leaves on the trees around us interesting.

"Beth..." I trailed, not wanting to rub salt into that wound, "It's been hard for you and Maggie. I-I don't know what to do or what to say without sounding like an ass." Daryl sighed loudly, catching my attention as he pushed himself off the tree and closer to me.

"Haven't you lost your sister?" Daryl questioned. I swallowed the forming lump in my throat and nodded, hating that I couldn't picture my sister's face anymore. "So y'know how it feels for Maggie—now giving me space? That's just stupid, but you're stupid, so I guess it makes sense," I chuckled at his insult, humor pushing away at the evergrowing anxiety.

"Yeah, I am pretty stupid," I admitted. Why did I ever think that giving Daryl his space was good? If anything, it made me feel more anxious and lonely. "I just—I don't know. The look on your face..." I shook my head and closed the distance between us, my arms wrapping around his midsection, "I'm sorry," Daryl sighed and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as he took a shaky breath. It wasn't much, but it was all I could offer him and Maggie.

"I am, too," He whispered. We stood there for a few minutes, hugging one another in silence. Daryl pulled away first, his nose scrunching as he sniffled and a coy smile on his face as he pushed me away. I chuckled and shook my head, amused at how quickly he's reverted to the Daryl Dixon I know and love. "Why didn't you go with them this morning?" I cocked an eyebrow and felt a surge of anxiety eat away at my heart.

"Rick," I answered, knowing it was a self-explanatory answer. I had fought so hard to go this morning, only to have Rick push me down (metaphorically) and give me his whole spiel about how he loves me and needs me here to protect the kids. I hate how much of a softie I am when it comes to him.

"What happened to June Gomez?" Daryl teased, "The one that had all that fight in her and would punch someone's lights out if they ordered her around?" I smiled at him and rolled my eyes, knowing there was some truth in his words.

"She met a guy, stupidly fell in love with him, and is now whipped," I shrugged. Daryl let out one of his rare laughs and shoved me to the side, his mood seemingly lifted.

"What a stupid chick," He mused as he finished laughing at me. I rolled my eyes and smiled at him, knowing he was telling the truth. I am stupid. Most people would be too focused on surviving, but here I am! Falling in love and making stupid decisions because of that love.

"I know," I sighed, my humor subsiding, "What a stupid, stupid bitch,"

"Hey," Daryl grabbed me by the shoulders and forced me to look at him, a teasing smile still on his thin lips, "Only I get to call you that," I chuckled at him and punched him on his shoulder lightly, happy that we're back to our usual, teasing, annoying selves. "Don't worry about them, stupid," I flashed him a confused look and frowned, hating how easily he could read me. "Rick's too tough to die,"

"I'm worried about all of them," I said, my stomach churning, "Something doesn't feel right," Daryl flicked my forehead and frowned at me, his eyes burning holes into mine as he tried to get his point across.

"Nothing's gonna happen," He reassured me, "Ya needa stop being so goddamn paranoid," I leaned into him and sighed, hating that this is how I am.

"I can't help it," I murmured, "I just feel it in my bones," Daryl wrapped a reassuring arm around my shoulders and started to lead me back to our camp, his grip tightening occasionally.

"Stupid, paranoid bitch," He joked as we slowly started heading back towards the camp with our arms around one another.


We stood in another open field, our heads bowed, and Gabriel's voice rang through the silence as he read from the bible. I sniffled, refusing to let tears fall as I stared at the large man in the grave we had dug. I had told Daryl that something would go horribly wrong, and I was right.

Tyreese had lost his life, and the community we had hoped to make a home wasn't a thing, well, not anymore. We remained quiet as Gabriel finished, his face solemn as we started to walk away from the grave. We all flashed Sasha a sorrowful look as she, too, had lost everything. I sighed as Rick laced his fingers with mine, his hand warm in my cold one. Instead of things getting easier, it's just getting harder and harder. Will we ever find a place to call home? A place where none of us will die due to these undead bastards? It all seems like one big, cruel joke.

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