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I stood next to Deanna and Maggie, watching Daryl rev his new bike's engine and lead Aaron outside the gate. The plan was to search for recruits, and they won't be back for a few days. Daryl and I remained estranged even though it's been a week since we fought. This is the longest time we've gone without speaking or making up with one another. I miss him, but I won't be his punching bag. If he wants to talk about what he's going through, I'm here to help, but he needs to make that step.

Next to me, Deanna continued explaining the purpose of searching for recruits, leading us further away from the gates and towards the armory/pantry. We paused in front, watching Glenn, Tara, and Noah load gear for their expedition. Eugene stood to the side with his bag slung across his shoulder. I couldn't help but stifle a laugh as he stood there looking terrified. Then, his attention focused on me, and he ran towards me, his eyes lifting with relief.

"June!" he shouted, catching everyone's attention, "Tell them I won't be of any use out there!" He grabbed a black device and shoved it in my face, his voice still frantic, "Tell them to look for more devices like this!" I shouldn't be amused at his apparent fear, but I couldn't help it. Aiden, Spencer's younger brother, the guy Glenn punched, stood next to me, his teeth showing with how wide his smile was.

"I told him we don't want to drive so far out and come back with the wrong shit," Aiden told me. I nodded, agreeing with him. It'd be a massive waste of time if they got the wrong things. Then, turning my attention back to the terrified man, I clapped his shoulder and squinted as the sun shone in my eyes.

"Sorry, buddy," I gave him a tight smile and leaned down, lifting my pant leg and exposing my knife. Thankfully, they let me keep it, and I've been carrying it on me since. "Here," I grabbed the wooden handle, brushing my thumb over my dad's initials, "This knife has brought me a lot of good luck. Take it," Eugene looked at my hunting knife, hesitantly encasing his fingers around the handle. I watched as he fearfully marveled at it, his eyes focusing on the carving.

"J.G," Eugene muttered, his eyes lifting to meet mine, "June Gomez, you're a damn treasure to humanity." I couldn't contain the laugh that escaped me as I closed the distance between us and wrapped my arms around him.

"You've got this, Eugene," I pulled away and gave him my brightest smile, "Stick by Glenn, Tara, or Noah, and you'll be fine," He nodded at me and hesitantly got into the back of the van, his eyes still glued to my father's knife. I quickly hugged Tara and Glenn, pleading with them to return safely. Nicholas paused as he passed me, giving me an awkward wave and head nod. Noah nudged me, his lips pulled upwards, and he smiled.

"We're still on for tonight?" I nodded happily at him and looped my arms around him, squeezing him tightly. Noah and I have been hanging out with Michonne, Jacob, and Abraham lately. It would be just us today, and we planned on playing a game of poker on the porch tonight. Unfortunately, I've been caught trying to cheat a few times, so we'll have Rick watch me as an impartial party to ensure I'm a good sport. It's not my fault I suck at that stupid game!

"You bet!" I exclaimed, "Be safe out there, okay?

"You bet!" Noah mocked, earning a playful punch in the shoulder, "I'll see you later. Better be prepared to lose." I scoffed as he walked by, climbing into the van and waving goodbye. I lifted my arm and waved, hopeful they'd all return safely.

"Don't I get a hug too?" I turned and shifted uncomfortably as Aiden looked down at me. I don't know this guy, and just last week, he and Glenn were on the verge of killing one another. Awkwardly, I hugged him, tearing away quickly. Resuming my position next to Maggie, I waved as the van came to life and started to pull away with music blaring from the speakers.

"My sons seem to like you," Deanna mused once the gate shut behind the van, "I'll tell them to back off,"

"Thank you," I muttered, grateful for this woman.

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