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The woman grabbed the fence and stared directly at me. Her ebony skin glistened with sweat, and her hand gripped a red basket tightly. Rick shifted next to me, his arms extending to his son so he could take the baby. Silently, Rick and I both started walking forward toward the mystery woman. The growls around her became loud as the walkers became aware of her.

Rick grabbed his gun and looked at the woman as we stood face to face with her—the fence was the only thing separating us. I examined her and realized she'd been shot; her blue pants were smeared with bright red blood. Beside me, Carl ran up, his eyes wide as he saw the woman. Walkers started to flood around her, jaws snapping. Releasing the basket, she reached behind her and produced a katana. She spun around and swiped the heads off the nearest walkers. I stepped forward and watched how she sliced a head clean off.

"Should we help her?" Carl asked Rick and me. Neither of us answered; we watched as she swung around with her sword. She dropped the pack on her shoulder and created some distance between her and the walkers, her chest rising and falling rapidly with exhaustion. I stepped towards the gate and tried to peer into the basket, curiosity consuming me. How did she know we were here? Able to glimpse the labels, I realized she had brought formula. My heart pounded in my chest as anxiety overwhelmed me. Why is she holding formula, and how does she know we need it? Most importantly, where are Glenn and Maggie? They were the ones that were supposed to come back with the formula!

I saw the woman fall back, her head bouncing off the ground and her eyes shutting. I ran towards the gate and raised my gun, firing several shots at the walkers surrounding her. Carl followed my lead and took down the remainder as I fidgeted with the keys clipped to my pants. I unlocked the gate and swung it open, my gun rising as more walkers started coming our way. Rick ran next to me, gun blazing, as we both took down the small herd of walkers.

"Go get the basket, Carl," I said as I looked down at the unconscious woman. Rick kicked away her sword while I bent down and examined her. No bite marks, just a gunshot wound.

"Is she bit?" Hershel called out from behind the safety of the gate. I shook my head and looked toward Rick and Hershel.

"Gunshot," I announced as I stood up. Walkers started swarming us, pressuring us to act fast. "Rick, pick her up." Rick, without hesitation, grabbed her by the arm and slung her body across his shoulders. I ushered Carl past me and pushed him inside the gate before locking it shut again. Rick was already racing towards the cellblock with Carl and Hershel trailing behind him when I managed to snap the lock shut. I ran across the yard and caught up to them as Rick kicked open the door leading to our cellblock.

"Carl, get a blanket!" Rick shouted towards his son as he descended the stairs with the woman. "Beth, water and a towel. She's not coming into the cellblocks." He laid the woman down by the cage we locked our food in and let me take over for him. Beth ran forward, baby still in her arms, as she handed over a water bottle. I unscrewed the lid and placed a finger over the top, letting the water hit the woman's chest. She came to and wildly looked around, her breathing in sharp gasps.

"Hey, it's alright. It's alright." I told her, trying to calm her down, "We got you now. You're in good hands." She looked at me. Her eyes softened, and her breathing slowed. Rick squatted next to me and looked at the woman, her eyes hardening again when she saw him.

"Who are you?" Rick asked, his voice light so that she won't panic again. She looked around and lunged toward her katana, her hands almost circling it, but Rick was able to push it aside with his leg. He held her down and pinned her arms to her side, his voice still light and feathery as he spoke. "We're not going to hurt you. Not unless you try something stupid first, alright?" I placed a hand on her uninjured leg and grabbed her attention, offering her a reassuring smile.

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