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The morning came so much quicker than I anticipated. We bunked in the same room, reminding me of what we were like before Alexandria. Like he was before Alexandria, Daryl seemed cautious of everything and had that untrusting glint in his eye as he watched everyone in the new community. I, on the other hand, felt inspired by this new place. I didn't think places like this existed a few months ago, and now here we are! When Negan is gone, we can all come together and live in harmony—work to make the future a better place for our children. I rubbed my lower abdomen's flat, warm skin, a smile gracing my face as I looked down at it.

Selena asked me if I loved what was growing in me; at the time, I wasn't too sure. I wasn't sure how I felt about any of this, but now I know. I do love it more than I give myself credit for. Do I wish it was happening a lot later? Yes, but here I am, and there's nothing I would do to change it. But does that mean I'm going to be announcing it to everyone? No, not yet. Now that Rick is determined to beat Negan and the Saviors, I must pretend everything is fine and dandy. I know Selena, Carl, and Michonne will do everything in their power to protect me, but I've proven time and time again that I'm perfectly capable of protecting myself and my family.

Rick approached me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his hands gingerly landing on mine and caressing the skin. He pressed a loving kiss to my jaw and pulled away, grabbing me by the arm and leading me towards the rest of our group. I nodded at them and murmured a quick morning before grabbing my sad holster and clipping it around my waist. Sure, my knife was tucked away, but having one and not a gun looked pointless. Together, we exited the room they politely let us stay in and walked towards the exit. The air between us immediately went from light and airy to determined and serious. We all wanted this to happen, but we can't force them to side with us if they don't want to.

Richard met us by the door and motioned us to follow him, taking the lead as he led us towards the middle of their beautiful community. Selena sighed heavily from behind me, her head landing on Carl's shoulder, prompting him to loop an arm around her and kiss her head. I smiled and turned away from them, my eyes landing on King Ezekiel as he watched a few of his community members practice their bow and arrow skills.

"This is life here," He began, not turning to face us, "Every day. But it came at a cost," He moved towards us and examined us, "And I wanted more of this. I wanted to expand, to create more places like this. Men and women lost their limbs. Children lost their parents because I sent them into battle against the wasted when I did not need to."

"This is different," Both Rick and I persisted. I said we wouldn't force them into anything they didn't want to do, and I meant that. But that doesn't mean we won't try to persuade them.

"The dead don't rule us," Rick stressed, "The world doesn't look like this outside your walls. People don't have it as good. Some people don't have it good at all."

"I have to worry about my people," The King apologetically nodded.

"You call yourself a damn king," Daryl snarled, "You sure as hell don't act like one," I caught Daryl's attention and shook my head, but it was too late.

"All of this," King Ezekiel stalked towards Daryl, "came at a cost. It was lives, arms, legs." Then, he turned to us and came our way, "The peace we have with the Saviors is uneasy, but it is peace. I have to hold onto it. I have to try." I sighed and shook my head, feeling a bit disgruntled,

"Although the Kingdom cannot grant you the aid you desire, the King is sympathetic to your plight. I offer our friend Daryl asylum for as long as he requires it. He will be safe here. The Saviors do not set foot inside our walls."

"How long do you think that's gonna last?" Jacob asked, his voice scarily matching Daryl's. Daryl and Jacob stalked off in one direction, clearly annoyed that the Kingdom would not stand and fight with us. Rick turned and followed them, the rest of the group moving. I stayed behind for a bit and looked at the King, not bothering to hide my frown.

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