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The sun shone high in the sky the following day, and Rick still hadn't woken up. Michonne had come back from beyond the wall soon after I knocked Rick out and immediately jumped into her constable role. She sat beside me in her uniform, leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed as we watched Rick. I must have punched him hard to be out cold this long. It's funny; I told him once that I would never hit him, and what did I do? I struck him so hard that he hasn't been able to regain consciousness. Things change, as do people. I've tried so hard to constantly be by his side and support him through everything, even when he's wrong. I see the error in my ways now. I see how far gone he is, and I can't continue to support him if he continues this way. He's actively putting us at risk, and I can't allow that anymore. Michonne tapped my leg and stood up with a sigh, her lips in a tight line as she walked past me and out the front door of the jail we were sitting in.

My hand ached, a dull, sharp pain occasionally shooting down my knuckles when I clenched and unclenched it. I might've dislocated one of my knuckles, but I'm betting on the bones being sore. I sat forward and rubbed my face, wiping away the stress, anger, and exhaustion from my features. I watched him as he remained unconscious all night, playing all the different scenarios in my head.

After the altercation, Carol came to me and told me that she had told Rick about Pete and Jessie, telling him that Pete had to die. I couldn't argue with Carol because I wanted to do the same thing when I found out. If Glenn hadn't come when he did that day, I probably would've stormed the house and murdered him in front of his wife. I couldn't deny it—it hurt that they were fighting because of Jessie, and I tried my best to understand it, but I couldn't help the gnawing jealousy chewing away at me. Finally, a chuckle snapped me out of my thoughts, bringing me back to reality as I watched Rick shift in his bed behind bars.

"What's so funny?" I snapped, my rage returning as I watched him sit up. He groaned and threw himself back onto his mattress, his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. Good, I hope his head hurts.

"You were here the whole time?" Rick asked, looking at me with squinty eyes. I rose to my feet and crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"All night," I muttered, "What's so funny, Grimes?" Rick sat up again, his hand rubbing his bandaged face.

"It's like the train car," Rick breathed, shifting his back against the wall, "After the whole thing, I'm still there." I huffed and moved closer to the bars, somewhat pleased to see him locked up. He deserves it after how he's acted.

"Serves you right to be locked up in here." I said, keeping the angry tone in my voice, "Rosita patched you up. Carl and Selena came by for a while. I sent them home," I approached the bars and sighed, "Rick, what the fuck are you doing?" Rick placed his arms on his knees and looked at me, his head shaking lightly, "You'll be glad to know that we put Pete in another house,"

"June," Rick groaned as he rubbed the side of his head, "It all happened so fast. And then Noah." I frowned at him but continued to stare him down. I need answers, and I'll be damned if I let him off easily, "I couldn't tell you about the gun,"

"And why not?" I snapped as I started to pace in front of the bars. It hurts that he feels like he can't tell me things, but I can't linger on that right now.

"Baby, you wanted this place," I looked at him and scoffed, my fist balling painfully.

"Don't 'baby' me, Rick Grimes," I sneered at him, "We had to stop being out there!" Rick bowed his head and shook it, his face contorted in pain.

"Well, we're here," Rick grumbled.

"Well," I mocked, "You just said you weren't," The door opened beside us, letting the light flow into the room. Rick groaned and shielded his eyes as Glenn, Carol, Michonne, and Abraham entered the room. "Where'd you get the gun?" I asked him, not expecting a genuine answer.

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