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With a glare, I stood up and shifted Judith's weight between my arms as I shrugged the backpack off my shoulders. The bag hit the porch with a loud thud, and some bottles rattled from within. Judith fussed when I moved to put her on the porch so she could walk around, a small, strangled 'mama' leaving her lips as she gripped my shirt. I bit my lip and readjusted her on my hip, my eyes finding her frowning face.

"Wanna go with el?" I asked the almost year-and-a-half-year-old, using her name for Selena. Judith shook and buried her head in my neck, her little arms wrapping around me. I pursed my lips and looked at Negan, desperately wanting to slap the amused grin off his face.

"Medicine," I told him and moved the bag with my foot, "I have a request," Negan leaned over in his chair and scooped the pack up, his fingers toying with the zipper before he opened it. "There are some vitamins in there that I need. I'd appreciate it if you let me keep all of them."

"Now, why would I do that?" Negan asked and leaned back in his chair. "That ain't my kid in there, so why should I care?" I opened my mouth to answer but closed it immediately. Why should he care? He's right. It isn't his kid, and it isn't his problem. "How about this?" I eyed him as he grinned again and grabbed the first prenatal bottle, his smile growing.

"You marry me, and I take care of you and the bun in your oven. I'll give you all the vitamins you need, and I only ask that you and that alien in you call me daddy," I swallowed back any insults that brewed in my mind and looked off towards Carol's empty house. Why is he like this? Is he only doing this to see my reaction? Or is he serious about me marrying him?

"No," I whispered, my hand finding the back of Judith's head and holding her to me. "I just need the vitamins, please. You can have the rest," Negan cocked an eyebrow at me and looked into the bag, grabbing random bottles and reading the labels. Suddenly, Negan stood up and walked into our house, his hand stroking his chin. I felt deflated and shifted Judith in my arms, earning another whine from her.

"Kid," Negan called out, "You too, Juney baby." I looked at Selena and nodded, coming up with a plan.

"Take Judith and grab the backpack you hid," I whispered to her as I handed over Judith, "Hide in Carol's house. I'll deal with him." Judith started to cry, her teary eyes on me and her arms reaching for me. I felt my heart quiver in my chest—I wanted to be with my Judith, too, but I didn't want her anywhere near this guy.

"Kid," Negan shouted again, "June, don't make me call for you again!" I jumped and looked at Carl, with similar looks on our faces. Selena and Judith walked the other way, Selena's hair bouncing as she started to jog.

"You're pregnant?" Carl whispered as we walked into the house together. I felt my body freeze at the word. This is the first time since I found out that I've referred to my condition for what it actually is.

"This is between us," I whispered back, "Don't tell anyone. I have to be the one to do it," Silence ensued as we entered the house, shutting the door behind us.

Carl and I wandered through the house together, following the sounds of water running. Lightly, I pushed Carl behind me and walked into the bathroom, watching Negan as he grabbed Rick's straight razor and rubbed shaving foam all over his face. Negan would make comments occasionally, but they fell on my deaf ears as he continued to drag us around with him. We watched him shave and unwillingly helped him cook and set up the table. Carl removed his apron and begrudgingly sat down, his good eye on Negan.

We sat silently, waiting for Negan to say something or do something. Instead, he sat patiently, occasionally eyeing the food he had graciously made. I sat opposite Carl, my hands playing with the hem of my shirt and my mind wandering.

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