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The night was dark all around us. The only light source was coming from behind the walls we studied. Cicadas buzzed all around us, almost calming me as I watched the guards continue to pace. Debris littered the road leading into the town, and a few overturned cars gave us a perfect spot to watch from the shadows. The woman—whose name I still don't know— crouched back into the darkness of the woods, leaving us behind. Rick whispered for her to come back, his soft voice filled with anxiety that she might blow our cover. I cursed under my breath and retreated, joining Daryl and Oscar towards the car's rear with Rick.

"We need to downsize," Rick whispered, the gears in his mind turning. We passed around the guns we brought and kept an eye out to ensure the guards couldn't see us.

"Ain't in no way we're gonna check in all them buildings, not with all them guards there," Daryl muttered as he loaded his rifle. A twig snapped loudly behind us, forcing us all to aim. A walker comes our way, and we're done for. The woman put a finger to her lips and pointed us to the woods, beckoning us to follow her. Without a second thought, I ran towards her, following her through the darkness and onto an open doorway.

"They left this door unlocked." She whispered to me, "Must've forgotten about it." I patted her on the back, praising her, but I could feel her tense underneath my touch. Note to self: keep my hands to myself if I wanna keep them. We crept into the darkroom, and my hand twitched for my machete, although I was unsure how my weapon would help me right now. I wasn't the only one because the woman reached behind her and grabbed her katana, readying it for an attack. The door squeaked as someone closed it behind us, further entrapping us in the darkness. Rick tapped my shoulder and motioned for my gun, silently urging me to draw. He's right. I can't bring a knife to a gunfight. The mystery woman led us into another dark room, tables lined one side of the wall, but it was too dark to see what this room was.

"This is where you were held?" Rick asked her, his voice rising a few decibels.

"This is where I was questioned." She answered. I looked around and bit my lip. This is going to be complicated. We have no idea where Maggie and Glenn are being held, and we can't just go out guns blazing, not without losing a person.

"Any idea where else they can be?" I asked her as my eyes stayed glued on Daryl. He ran forward and slowly peeled back the curtain, catching a glimpse of the outside. Rick walked ahead and peered out as well, his lips pursing.

"I thought you said there was a curfew." Daryl spat at the woman. I guess people are walking around. She looked at Daryl and scowled, probably not appreciating the way he spoke to her.

"The streets are packed during the day. Those are stragglers." She retorted, her voice just as aggressive as Daryl's.

"If anyone comes in here, we're sitting ducks," I whispered as my grip on the shotgun tightened. "We gotta move."

"They could be at his apartment." She suggested. Daryl turned to her and rolled his eyes, already questioning her.

"Yeah? What if they ain't?" Daryl snapped. I love this man, but he doesn't have a nice bone in his body when it comes to new people. I understand it, but something tells me that's how he was before the world ended.

"Then we'll look somewhere else." She snapped back. I like her; she's fiery. Rick shook his head in frustration and walked over to where she stood, his blue eyes illuminated even in the dark.

"You said you could help us." Rick accused her. He has to give her points for at least trying. There's no way she can know where our people are being held.

"She's trying, Rick." I defended the woman. "She got us here, didn't she? Gotta give her credit where credit is due. She even said that she wasn't here for a long time." Rick frowned at me and shook his head in the direction we came from, motioning for us to meet with him. I groaned and retreated, knowing precisely what he was going to say. We're cutting her loose if things go south.

Dead Man Walking | Rick GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now