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"Are you sure about this?" Daryl questioned with an eyebrow cocked. With difficulty, I rose to my feet and eyed him, slightly annoyed. Selena sat on the sofa across from us, her eyes filled with worry and doubt as she looked at me.

Judith napped on the couch beside me while Thad sat on the floor, playing with blocks and blissfully unaware of what was happening around him. My stomach protruded from my hips, making it difficult to see anything below it. The baby was active, kicking me in different places each time—almost as if it knew I was about to do something stupid and trying to stop me. My lower back screamed at me off and on, and my stomach felt shockwaves of that pain, making me grit my teeth, but that wasn't enough to deter me.

"I need to go out there before I'm stuck inside for another six months to a year," I stated. Daryl looked at Selena and shared the same worried look with her before returning to me.

"June, I don't think you should go out there," I let out an angry breath and continued to glare at the man in front of me, "You can barely get up. What if something happens out there, and we have to run? You can't do that,"

"I want to go out there," I snapped, "I need to," My heart hammered in my chest as my thoughts started to fill with images of Rick. He's been gone for about nine months – nine long, grueling, heartbreaking months. He missed Thad's first birthday. He missed Judith's fourth birthday. He missed the entirety of this pregnancy. None of it is his fault—whatever happened out there that fateful day isn't anyone's fault, something I have to keep reminding Daryl about. But that doesn't mean that it isn't hard.

As my pregnancy progressed, Daryl has tried his hardest to be there for Thad and Judith, and I'm sure it will continue once this new baby is born, but he's also consumed with thoughts that Rick might be out there somewhere.

"It's just a quick and simple run," Selena spoke, "There's no reason to go out there, June." I shook my head and blinked away any tears that threatened to spill from my eyes. I sucked in a deep breath as another cramp slowly built up and placed a hand on the peak of my stomach.

"If it's going to be quick and easy, then it shouldn't be a problem for me to go out there," Selena sighed and buried her head into her hands, obviously fed up with how stubborn I was being.

"Alright, I'm just gonna say it," Daryl muttered, "There's no way you're going out there. You were fine a few days ago, but ever since you came back from Hilltop, it's like ya've been losing your shit. " I glared at him, my eyes filling with tears again. He's right; I've been spiraling lately, but I won't let him talk me out of this. "I've been up and down the area, and nothing's turned up. You just gotta accept that he's gone, and you gotta—"

"Yeah, like you have?" I snarled, annoyed with his hypocrisy, "You're the one that leaves for weeks trying to find any signs of him." I paused as my voice wavered, "He's out there. I know it. I'm not going to give up cause I know he wouldn't give up if the roles were reversed. Now, you're taking me out there today, and we'll get what we need, search the area a little bit, and stop by the bridge. Then we'll come back home so I can be with my children and get ready to pop," I turned to Selena and motioned to the children playing on the floor, "Michonne should be here within the hour to help you with the kids. She's still not feeling the best, so please help her out."

"You don't even have to ask," Selena weakly smiled at me, "We're not going to change your mind, are we?" I shook my head at her, my lips pursed, "Be extra careful then," Daryl cursed under his breath and shook his head, his eyes landing on Thad, who was staring up at him with wide eyes.

"Why does your mom have to be hardheaded?" Daryl muttered as he lifted Thad and hugged him, "I'll take care of her, though," He kissed my son's forehead and faced me. I smiled at my boy and brushed his brown curls out of his face, his shocking blue eyes—the exact ones Rick and Carl have—crinkling as he smiled at me.

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