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I turned in bed, drinking in Rick's features as he slept facing me. Last night, I asked Michonne to keep tabs on him, but I don't need her to tell me he's been acting sketchy—cautious of everything and untrusting. I can see it, but today will be their first day as constables. Rick slowly opened his eyes, a smile gracing his lips as we stared at one another for a few seconds. His warm hands wrapped around my waist, his head buried in my neck, and his warm breath tickled me. I wrapped my arms around his head, my hands burying in his hair and playing with a few strands stuck in odd angles.

Today, our group would be able to choose houses for themselves. Deanna had allowed us to take an extra four houses that were empty. So far, Michonne, Daryl, and Jacob will be in one. Abraham, Rosita, and Eugene are in another. Gabriel was given the church, which had quarters for him to reside. Noah, Sasha, and Carol would share one, while Glenn and Maggie would have their own private place. We wanted to always be near each other, and this was the best way to do that. We have our privacy and can see each other whenever we want.

Rick's lips brushed against my collarbones, and his hands started to roam, cupping my ass. I bit my lip and suppressed a moan as he bit the skin of my neck, sending shivers up and down my spine. I glanced at my watch and pressed myself against Rick, deciding we had time. I pushed him onto his back, straddling him as I leaned down and connected our lips. My hips ground against him, my body craving to be filled by him. I hooked my fingers on his sleeping bottoms and lifted myself about an inch as I started to tug them down with his help. Rick smirked at me as he sprung free from his pants, watching me pull off my shorts and underwear and line him up with my ready entrance.


Again, my pants were too big for me as I stood next to Deanna. When I agreed to be her understudy, I requested that Maggie join me. She has good leadership capabilities, and if I can't or refuse to take over the leadership of Alexandria, Maggie would be the next best choice. It even shocked me that I didn't request Rick take the position, but I stand by my choice. Maggie sat opposite Michonne and Rick, both dressed in the constable uniforms. Maggie was dressed in a blue button-up and grey pants, looking very formal-like, while I looked entirely dressed down. I was in black pants that were at least a size too big for me—I should've grabbed my belt, but I was running late, thanks to Rick—and a casual gray v-neck. Deanna had clarified that I didn't need to dress formally when I told her I accepted the job, but I felt out of place compared to Maggie.

"You patrol, walk the wall, watch out for the kids. If there's a conflict, you solve it," Deanna explained to the two 'constables.' "And people will listen to you,"

"Because we're wearing windbreakers?" Michonne asked. I had to cough to stifle my laugh and hid my smile behind my hand.

"Because they believe in this," Deanna retorted, "because I'm telling them to." I looked at Rick and bit my lip, loving how he looked in his uniform, "A police officer used to live here. So we had these jackets, and I wanted to make it official. So it's official." Deanna clasped both Maggie and me on the shoulders, a proud smile on her lips, "There's going to be a government here one day. That's why I want both June and Maggie to work with me. There's going to be a police force—that's why I want you two to start it. I see a vibrant community here with industry, commerce, civilization, real lives."

Rick shot me a steely look, still unhappy about this whole situation. Rick didn't look too happy when I told him I would work with Deanna and Maggie. I'm sure he assumed it would've been as an assistant as Maggie originally was, but the look on his face when I told him exactly what I was doing did not seem pleased. That glow he had from our morning session died immediately, and he looked at me, his eyebrow cocking. "It might be horses and mills, but—what?" Deanna asked, noticing the look on Rick's face and probably assuming it was because of what she saw for the community. "Does that sound like pie in the sky?"

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