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I leaned against the wall in the main entrance next to Michonne, still completely angry with how our talk with Gregory went. Jesus and the rest of the group talked, but I wasn't paying attention. I balled my fists again at his proposition for us. What in the world is this man thinking?! He's disgusting! Maggie's married; she even mentioned it in there, and I never gave off signals that I would be a willing participant in whatever perverted fantasy he had brewing in his old brain. One of the men we had saved barged into the mansion, his chest rising and falling rapidly. Gregory opened his office door and peered out, his eyes widening at his frightened 'citizen.'

"What's wrong?" He asked as he opened his door wider. The man looked over at him and frowned, his shaky hand wiping his brow.

"They're back," A serious look fell on Gregory's face, and he nodded, walking towards the front door. I shared a glance with Rick and pushed off the wall, closely following Gregory and Jesus as they exited. Rick walked alongside me, keeping me close as we followed a few paces behind Gregory, stopping when we reached the middle of the community. Three people walked forward—two men and a woman.

"Nathan, what happened to everybody else?" Gregory asked in a welcoming tone, "Where's Tim and Marsha?"

"They're dead!" The Nathan guy responded, stopping directly in front of Gregory.

"Negan?" Gregory asked. I took a few steps back toward Daryl and Abraham, instantly recognizing the name. I nudged Daryl and glanced at him and Abraham, a knowing look on our faces. Negan—that's the name those bikers said all our shit belongs to when they stopped us on the road over a month ago.

"Yeah," Nathan answered.

"He said we had a deal," Gregory said. Don't tell me... Does Gregory have something set up with them?!

"He said it wasn't enough," The other man said, "Was the drop light?"


"They still have Craig," The woman spoke up. The Nathan man took a step forward, his eyes on Gregory.

"They said they'd keep him alive, return him to us if I deliver a message to you."

"So tell me," Gregory said, his head cocking slightly. The Nathan man grabbed Gregory by the shoulder and released a deep sigh, a faint sorry escaping his lips. The knife in his hand caught my attention, forcing me to run ahead before it even entered Gregory's body. Gregory let out a groan of pain as the knife embedded into his gut, his body falling back into Maggie and Jesus's arms. I ran forward with Rick, grabbing Nathan and trying to restrain him.

"Get off of me!" Nathan screamed, pushing me away, "I had to!" The second guy ran forward, tackling me to the ground. I landed harshly on my back and coughed, reaching for my knife. Abraham raced ahead and tackled the second guy, wrestling him to the floor. I grabbed my knife and looked at Rick, my heart pounding in my ears as Nathan held a knife to his throat. Michonne raced forward, her hand reaching for her sword as she called for him.

With Nathan distracted, I aimed my knife and threw it, shivering as it embedded deeply within Nathan's skull. Blood pooled from his wound and started to drip onto Rick's face, coating his chin in the red substance. I rose to my feet and approached Rick, my hand extending to help him. He nodded, thanking me as I helped him to his feet. He leaned down and yanked my knife from the guy's skull, handing it over to me.

"Nathan!" The second man yelled as he held his arm tightly, "You killed him!"

"He tried to kill Gregory, then me!" Rick spat at the downed man. The woman ran forward with her fist balled, her sights set on Rick. I lunged forward, taking the hit for him and feeling my jaw sting as her blow landed. It was like time had stood still as I turned my head back to face her, my vision hueing red. I lunged at her and threw her to the ground, straddling her as my fist flew forward, repeatedly landing on her face. She let out wails of pain each time my fist collided with her face, a dull crunch emitting in the space between us. Arms wrapped around me, and I let them get me off the woman, smiling as my hands were covered in her blood. I looked behind me and smirked at Daryl as he pulled me away, oddly proud of myself.

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