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The wind gently hit my skin, relieving me of the budding heat. It was still early morning, but it was uncomfortably hot. Sweat slowly cascaded down my face as I grabbed the discarded wooden palette and propped it against the fence that encased the walkway. Wiping away at my brow, I leaned against the fence and took a few breaths, trying to cool down. I've been up for about two hours and met with Rick to discuss securing the prison if there was an attack. I'm working on securing the east walkway, and he's working on the west one. Since his breakdown, we've all tip-toed around him. The loss of Lori is still fresh, and he needs time. But Mr. Stubborn would instead do anything else than focus on how he feels.

I lifted my arms above my head, my fingers lacing through the holes in the fence as I looked out in front of me. Michonne – as I've come to learn her name – clamored out of the bus she chose to sleep in, stretching as her feet hit the ground. A slight frown spread as I noticed Rick running across the yard, his hand perched on his hip. He paused and looked around frantically, his head snapping in every direction before landing on something. I continued to watch him run towards the gate and pry it open. He ran towards the small bridge by the water and paused, his hand rising to caress his cheek. He's hallucinating again, but at least it isn't as bad as it was with Tyreese's group. He lost his mind.

Turning back to Michonne, I realized she was gone, probably inside the prison. I huffed and looked at the pile of metal and wooden palettes beside me, my frown deepening. I wish we didn't have to do this. I wish that the only thing we had to fear were the walkers outside these gates. But recent events showed us differently. I've always known it was a matter of time before people turn on people. It's a story that has been told hundreds of times throughout history. It was just some childish hope within me that thought this time would be different. That humankind would come together as best we could and fight hand in hand against the common enemy: The walkers.

Squatting down, I picked up a palette and got back to work. I lined the fence with the metal slabs and propped a wooden palette against it, hoping that it would provide us with enough cover if this Governor guy decided to attack. We need to give enough spots to duck for cover, secure the prison, and find the entrance Tyreese and his group managed to find. Grabbing the last slab, I lowered it with a loud groan and rubbed my back. Maybe Carl was right when he started calling me old. I glanced at the bridge – no longer seeing Rick – and turned on my heel. As I descended, the stairs were dark and humid; they almost made me feel suffocated. I turned down the hallways, my hand on my gun, and retraced my steps back to the common area.

The light soon shone brightly, indicating that I was almost there. I gripped the hard steel of the door and pushed, welcomed by the sight of the group – minus Rick – huddled around Glenn and Carl. I smiled at Carl and grabbed a warm water bottle from the nearest table.

"What are y'all talking about?" I questioned after swallowing my mouthful of water. Glenn looked at me, his black eye contrasting harshly against his skin.

"There's a breach." He stated. I nodded, already knowing that fact. How else did Tyreese get in? Beth looked at me and frowned, her arms crossing over her chest as she looked at Glenn and then back at me.

"Why are we even so sure that he's gonna attack?" Beth questioned, "Maybe you scared him off?" I shook my head and looked down at the chalk drawing they made of the prison. He's not going to give up, not after we killed some of his people.

"He had fish tanks full of heads," Michonne said from her spot. "Walkers and humans. Trophies. He's coming." I couldn't help but frown as I took in the severity of this. He's psycho. Of course, he's going to attack. I took another sip of water and started to worry about the kids. Carl can defend himself, but if he's cornered... there's no way he can outwrestle someone bigger than him. Judith, she's just a baby. I don't even want to think about what they'll do to her if they take the prison.

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