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The trees cleared, and the giant walls of the Hilltop came into view. Despite knowing that Maggie wasn't there, I couldn't help but feel nervous. I haven't seen these walls in a long time—the last time I was here, they made me feel unwelcome. Their walls have expanded since the last time I was here, thanks to our skilled builders back home, and their gardens have extended outwards. They really worked hard these past few years. The walls got closer and closer, and with it, my anxiety spiked. I don't know what to expect, but I don't expect people to be friendly. Michonne and my quarrel was with Maggie, but I know many people probably took her side, seeing how she was their leader. We paused outside the main gate, a familiar blonde in black armor staring at me.

"State your business," Diane snapped, obviously not taking kindly to our appearance.

"We're here for Rosita," I called back, "We met your messengers on the road. They told us what happened."

"And the others?" She asked, still not letting her guard down.

"They're good people looking for a home," I replied, "I told them Hilltop would consider taking them in." Behind us, the birds chirped without a care in the world while the tension built up. Diane leaned forward and glared at me, seemingly waiting for something to happen. Taking the hint, I unclasped my holster and let it fall to the ground by my horse. The sound of weapons clattering around us thudded, and soon enough, Diane gave the signal. The gate creaked open, allowing us entry.

My eyes landed on the massive mansion for the first time in five years. The community has grown substantially, and the clucks from livestock grabbed my attention. I dismounted my horse and walked inside, holding onto the reins as if they were a lifeline. Tara stood silently a few feet away, her face devoid of emotion. From her overall demeanor, I couldn't help but feel unwelcome here. A face I didn't recognize approached me, silently asking me to hand over the reins. Reluctantly, I handed them over, feeling bare without my lifeline.

"Where's Jesus?" I asked, instantly blowing any cover I had. Michonne cocked a confused eyebrow my way and frowned.

"Out with the search party looking for Eugene," Tara answered. It was my turn to don a confused look as I stared at the woman in front of me.

"Eugene's missing? Since when?" I asked, genuinely confused.

"I dunno," Tara shrugged, "He went out with Rosita but wasn't with her when we found her." I looked to the side, noticing Enid for the first time. She's grown a lot, and I couldn't help but feel thankful that Siddiq came instead of Selena. Despite the years, Sel still wasn't a fan of Enid.

"How is she?" Siddiq asked with a concerned tone.

"She was unconscious when she got here, but she'll be fine. It's dehydration and heat exhaustion mainly. She should wake up soon." Enid replied.

"If she's been unconscious the entire time she's been here, how do you know Eugene was with her?" Michonne asked. I bit my lip, knowing we would have a heated discussion later.

"Aaron told us," Tara said as if it were no big deal. Usually, it wouldn't be, but Michonne doesn't know that our people sneak out. It's a big deal to her.

"Aaron's here?" Michonne spat with a sharp edge in her tone. I couldn't help but notice the pointed look she gave me.

"No, he's with Jesus and Daryl." I felt a wide smile play on my lips and felt my heart stutter in my chest.

"Daryl was here?" I asked rhetorically, feeling jittery. It's been a while since I've seen him.

"Daryl came down from his mountain with Carol and Henry. It's like the old gang's back together." Tara said with a slight edge of sarcasm. Why is she angry with us? Is it cause we haven't come to say hi to her in years?

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