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Rick's heavy arm slung across my waist, and his breathing was heavy, letting me know he was deeply asleep. I tossed onto my back and sighed, feeling restless. Slowly, I wiggled out of his grasp and slipped on my boots, tiptoeing out of the room and glancing at my sleeping husband before closing the door. I crept downstairs and opened the cupboard underneath the stairs, fishing out my knife and sword. I slipped out of the house and walked the empty streets, enjoying the fresh night.

Avoiding the front gate, I crept to where the church used to be and started to climb, enjoying the pulling in my muscles as they went to work. When my feet were safely planted on the ground, I wielded my sword in one hand and held my knife in the other. Cicadas buzzed around me, and crickets chirped. The wind was nice and refreshing, and the trees rustled when it brushed past them.

"Couldn't sleep?" I jumped at the voice but instantly recognized it to be Michonne. I turned and smiled at her, knowing that I was caught red-handed.

"No," I answered, "Rick's sleeping like the dead and was nearly suffocating me," Michonne chuckled and stood by my side, smiling.

"Jacob too," Michonne confided, "Doesn't help that Kurt started to snore really loud," I laughed and stepped in tune with her, "It echoes throughout the house. The bridge must be tough work for all of them if they basically drop dead at night,"

"You're going out there with them tomorrow, right?" I asked, "Or are you going to make that run to the Kingdom and get those blueprints Nabila drew up?" Michonne stifled a yawn before answering.

"Actually," She began, "I'm staying back at Alexandria, gonna do some gardening, maybe take a nap,"

"Or," I smiled and nudged her, "You can help me with the constitution," Michonne rolled her eyes but smiled, her head nodding.

"Of course," She chuckled. We quieted down and continued walking, quickly taking down the walkers we passed. She offered me tips to make my swings more fluid, and I offered her my amazing tips on dealing with a teenager.

"He's a sweetheart for the most part," Michonne stressed, "But those mood swings will be the death of me."

"Carl went through a stage like that at the prison," I remembered with a smile, "Selena's the pissier one, though. She always has been," I chuckled and ran a hand through my hair, "Just give him space, and he'll come to you if he needs advice."

"I never had the opportunity to go through this with Andre," Michonne sighed, her frown deepening, "I wish I could," I wrapped my arm around her as we walked and stayed quiet, letting her reminisce about her little boy.

"Have you thought about having more kids?" I asked after a few more minutes. Michonne chuckled and shook her head.

"Jacob talked about it for a while after Thad was born," Michonne admitted, "I think having a baby around made him want one, but he hasn't mentioned anything in a few months." I smiled at her and examined her over, trying to imagine a kid that was half Michonne and half Jacob.

"It'll be cute," I beamed, "Your complexion, your lips, your eyes,"

"So, all me?" Michonne chuckled, "You don't see any of Jake?" I tried to imagine the kid and shook my head.

"Nah," I shrugged, "Maybe his nose and hair, but that's it," Michonne rolled her eyes and continued to lead us back toward Alexandria.

"What about you?" Michonne asked, "Any more kids for you and Rick?" I rapidly shook my head, remembering the pain I went through for eighteen hours.

"Hell no," I said sternly, "That shit hurt too much," Michonne laughed and stopped in front of the wall.

"Back to the snoring and dead weight," Michonne grumbled with a small smile.

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