What if... the world never ended? Part 2

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The weekend had quickly become the best weekend of Rick Grimes's life. June spent the entire weekend at his apartment, getting to know Carl and bonding with him. Rick could've sworn that Carl was sad to return to his mother when Sunday came.

As promised, June and Carl returned the following weekend, too. She showed him An American Werewolf in London, which Carl admitted was probably the best werewolf movie he's ever seen, Night of the Living Dead, another horror movie classic and a film Carl liked too despite being older than all of them, and Evil Dead.

Rick could feel his heart swelling every time he watched them interact. Carl would tease June, mess around with her, and intently listen to anything she had to say. June would return his son's pestering in the same light-hearted manner and let him cuddle her when he fell asleep during Evil Dead 2.

"Hey," Rick snapped out of his daze and turned to face his best friend and partner, Shane Walsh, "You okay there, bud? I've been trying to talk to you for a few minutes,"

Rick smiled and sipped his Coke, "Yeah, I'm great," Shane cocked an eyebrow at Rick, happy to see his best friend acting like a love-sick teenage boy.

"Let me guess," Shane chuckled, "You're thinking about June?" Rick's smile widened, and he lowered his gaze, slightly embarrassed to be caught red-handed.

"She met Carl," Rick explained, the tips of his ears feeling hot. Shane's eyes widened, and he leaned back in his seat, his body twisting towards his best friend.

"And?" Shane probed, "Did he like her?"

"He loves her," Rick proudly announced, "These past two weekends, they've both come over, and they're inseparable." Shane smiled widely, happy to hear the good news, but then he frowned.

"What about Lori?" Shane asked, "She alright with her son hanging around June? I mean, she is the new woman in your life," Rick rolled his eyes and took another gulp of his Coca-Cola. He'd thought about it briefly and decided he didn't care whether Lori was okay with it.

Carl is constantly around Shawn, her new beau and Judith's father, so why shouldn't he be around June? It's not like Rick was having an affair with June when he and Lori were still together. Plus, she makes both Carl and Rick happy. Isn't that enough for Lori – to see her son happy?

"He's around Shawn all the time," Rick shrugged, "I don't see the problem of him being around June." Shane nodded in agreement and chuckled.

"You've got it bad, bud," Shane laughed, "Real bad," Rick laughed too but didn't deny it. He figures that he's one step away from loving the woman.


Rick stood outside June's house with a bouquet in his left hand. The week had passed surprisingly fast, and this weekend would be the first weekend they could spend alone in two weeks. Rick loved his son to bits and pieces, more than he could ever put into words, but he longed for an entire weekend to have June for himself.

Rick could feel the beginnings of sexual frustration starting to seep into his very core and knock down every wall of restraint in his body. He wanted to be a gentleman and wait until June gave her okay, but he didn't know how much longer he could hold himself back.

Everything about June was drawing him in like a moth to the flame. He wanted to run his hands all over her body, caress the areas he'd been dying to touch, kiss her soft skin everywhere, and bury himself deep within her.

He climbed her small porch and rang the doorbell, his palms sweating slightly as he became nervous. He smiled, hearing rapid footsteps coming towards him and pausing. The door opened, and June appeared, dressed in a low-cut blouse that stopped at her midriff and black pants. God, she's beautiful.

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