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I watched Dwight lower himself onto his knees, his eyes never leaving Rick's face. If I didn't know any better, I would've sunk to my knees, too, with the way Rick said it. The only difference is mine is in a purely sexual manner, whereas Dwight is in danger of being killed. I held Daryl's hand, running my thumb over his knuckles to calm him down. I know how much Daryl hates this man, but if he wants to help, maybe this is what we need to win.

"Look at me," Rick ordered, his gun pointing directly in Dwight's face, "Why?" Yeah, why does he want to help us? The last time I checked, he willingly went along with that monster of a man.

"Cause I want it stopped," Dwight answered, "I want Negan dead."

"So why don't you kill him?" I asked, taking a step forward and joining Rick by his side. He has easy access to Negan—he can end this in one night.

"Can't just be me," Dwight explained, his eyes darting to me, "They're all Negan," What kind of brainwashed, fucked up cult is this? They're all Negan? What?

"That girl you murdered," Tara started, her feet moving her forward, "She had a name," She lowered herself, her face getting in his, "Her name was Denise, and she was a doctor. She helped people,"

"I wasn't aiming for her," Dwight whispered back. I shook my head and released Daryl's hand, letting him do as he pleased. Daryl grabbed Dwight by the collar, slamming him against the wall. His knife was held in the air, aimed at Dwight's head, but his hand shook slightly. I've never seen Daryl hesitate like this.

"Do it," Tara pushed, her voice dripping with venom. Daryl and Dwight stared each other down, Dwight's voice coming out in a whisper, urging Daryl to end it.

"He could just be here to see if you were here," Rick pointed out. He's right. No matter how much of a good move it will be to have him by our side, we can't trust him.

"We can't trust him," Jacob said, reading my mind.

"He owned me," Dwight choked out, "But not anymore. What I did, I was doing it for someone else. She just got away. So now I'm here. So are you because of her."

"Do it!" Tara cried out again. Now wait one damn second. I'm confused. Who the hell are they talking about?

"There's another choice," Dwight whispered, his voice almost too low for my ears.

"Daryl, you knew her!" Tara argued. I mean, why doesn't she just off him herself? I'm all for this man dying, but if she wants it so bad, why doesn't she do it?

"Negan trusts me," Dwight muttered. Daryl started to breathe heavily, his knife shaking again, "We can work together. We can stop him." I mean, he's right. If we work together, then we can put an end to Negan. It's not like Negan would suspect Dwight to betray him, right? "You knew me then, and you know me now. You know I'm not lying." I watched as Daryl started to breathe heavier, his hand shaking the entire time. A tense second ticked before he lowered his knife, ignoring Tara's pleas to end Dwight's life.

I grabbed Daryl by the shoulder, pulling him back slightly and running a gentle hand over his back. I know how much he wants to kill him, especially after everything Dwight's put him through, but I think he made the right choice. We can definitely use Dwight to help us.

"They have Sasha, if she's even alive," Rosita announced, making me snap my attention to her. What the hell!? I just assumed they managed to do whatever they set out to do since she was back.

"Why didn't you say something?" I snapped, surprised by the harsh tone in my voice.

"He could be our only chance to get her back," Jesus nodded.

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