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A loud cry penetrated the otherwise silent night, making me stir. Rick let out a small grunt, and I felt his side of the bed shift. I wrapped my arms around his midsection and pressed into him, enjoying his body's warmth for a few more seconds. I moaned and shook him, earning another grunt from him.

"Your turn," I mumbled into his shoulder, "The milk is already in the cooler," Thank god for breast pumps! I don't know how I'd survive if I were the main one waking up every three to four hours to feed Thad. Rick groaned and started to sit up, my hand landing on the bed next to me. I rolled over again and listened to his heavy footfalls against the hardwood floor. Six weeks ago, we welcomed Thaddeus Daryl Grimes into the world. Six weeks of hardly any sleep constantly feeling fatigued, but I wouldn't do anything to change it.

"Mama," I turned again and squinted my eyes open. Judith stood at the doorway with the bear Rick had found for her a few weeks back in her arms, "Tad cry,"

"Daddy's with Thad," I murmured, patting the bed, "Wanna sleep with Mama tonight?" She nodded and ran over to me, the bed bouncing as she jumped onto it. Sometimes, I forget that I have a two-year-old on my hands—she seems to be advanced, if that's the right word for it. She snuggled into me, and I wrapped my arms around her small body, humming Close to You until we both fell asleep again.


When I woke up again, it was quiet, and the sun was poking through the shades of the window. Judith took up more than half the bed, her foot in my face. I smiled down at her and slowly stood up, trying not to disturb the sleeping toddler. Rick never came back to bed last night. I adjusted my shirt and left our bedroom to check on Thad.

"Then, your mommy punched me in the face and knocked me out," I could hear Rick's low voice come from the quiet confines of Thad's room, "Daddy was being stupid, that much, I will admit," Rick chuckled. I opened the door a little and smiled at the sight before me. Rick held Thaddeus, gently rocking him and holding a bottle.

"Your mommy is a tough woman," Rick continued, not realizing I was peeping in on them, "She's been by my side through everything. I don't know where I would be without her,"

"Probably out being a dumbass," I answered and entered the room. Rick turned his head and smiled at me. He had light bags under his eyes from lack of sleep but was still extraordinarily handsome. "You should tell him about the time mommy stupidly kissed daddy when he was still with his wife." Rick chuckled and looked down at our son, his smile widening.

"I'll tell him that story another time," Rick mused, "That's a pivotal moment in our history," I cocked an eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh, is it?" I asked. Rick stood up and placed Thad in the crib Kurt had refurbished for us, slowly approaching me and wrapping his warm arms around my waist.

"Oh, yeah," Rick whispered, closing any distance between us, "It was when I realized that I liked you more than I should've. I was attracted to you, sure, but when you kissed me, that made me realize that I wanted you in every worldly way possible," My heart hammered in my chest, and my cheeks flushed as I wrapped my arms around his neck, our lips brushing slightly.

"Mmm," I moaned gently, not quite pressing our lips together, "So the next year or so must have been torture for you,"

"You have no idea," Rick whispered, trying to keep his voice low so we wouldn't wake Thad up, "I eventually got the girl, though,"

"You cheated by getting me drunk," I teased, "I warned you that Rum and I don't mix,"

"If I remember correctly," Rick smirked, his hands pushing me impossibly closer to him, "You only took a sip before we—" I cut him off by pressing my lips to his, remembering the first night we got together vividly. We spent all night practicing our baby-making skills, and just thinking about it made my entire body heat up. Rick moaned softly and slipped his hands under my shirt, his fingers tracing upwards and leaving shockwaves of electricity in their wake.

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