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--Starting off a bit saucy, lol--


My toes curled, and my legs wrapped around Rick's waist, a moan fleeing my throat as he slowly thrust in and out of me. My nails ran down his back gently, and my head tilted back against the hard aluminum of our van—Rick's lips connected with the skin of my neck, his hips moving in unison with mine. With our newfound privacy, Rick let groans and moans tumble out of his mouth as he continued his slow assault on my insides, hitting them in all the right places. His hands gripped my hips tightly, his pace picking up slightly. My legs constricted, bringing him impossibly closer to me, his erection hitting that particular spot within me that made me lose my mind.

I opened my eyes and stared at him, a grin spreading across my face as we gazed at one another. His eyes searched mine lovingly, and his warm hand caressed the side of my face, his thumb tracing my bottom lip. I parted my lips, letting his thumb slip into my mouth, and gently sucked, earning a deep, guttural moan from the man inside me. His other hand trailed down my hip and circled my calf, bringing it up onto his shoulder. A whine-like moan slipped through my lips with how deep the minor movement of my leg brought him. His thumb fell from my mouth and trailed down my chest, rolling my erect nipple. Every nerve in my body felt like it had been set on fire, and tears pooled in my eyes at the pleasure Rick brought me. Our lips connected feverishly, and our tongues mingled and fought, clouding my mind entirely.

A beautiful black hole opened and swallowed me completely with each rock of Rick's hips, each gentle tug of his fingers as they attacked my overly sensitive nipples. My lower abdomen clenched deliciously, signaling that I was near my release. Another moan left me, and my eyes screwed tightly as I focused on the feeling, chasing the overwhelming euphoric feeling of an orgasm. Knowing I was near, Rick freed my lips and leaned his head down, encasing his warm, hot mouth around my breast. His tongue played with my sensitive bud, and his hips started to slam into me, the sound of skin-on-skin echoing within our empty van.

The clenching in my abdomen released, the tip of his erection giving that one spot a willing nudge over the edge. I tilted my head and moaned loudly, my walls constricted around him and my legs shaking uncontrollably. The wetness that helped him slide inside increased and spilled out of me as my whole body shook with satisfaction. My nails dug into his skin and dragged, effectively marking him. The power that drove my orgasm continued, never dulling as Rick crashed into me with vigor. His sweaty forehead rested upon mine. A deep, delectable moan slipped past his swollen lips. Every part of my body trembled and tingled as another wave of pleasure washed over me, eliciting another orgasm. The warmth of his seed spilled into me as we came together, our lips connecting again. We moaned into one another's mouth, his hips finding a new slow pace.

Rick stayed deeply embedded within me, his eyes opening and searching my entire face with a smile on his puffy lips. I brought my hands to his face and held him, committing each aspect of his handsome features to memory. I drank in the curvature of his lips, the scar underneath his left eye, his sharp, perfect nose—everything as if it was the air I needed to breathe. Everything about this man stuns me into silence each time I look at him. It wasn't only his obviously handsome face that drew me in, but his dazzling personality. He's the sweetest, most caring man I've ever met, but he's also strong, tough, and protective of everyone he loves. He's goofy and can keep up with me when I'm in the mood to tease him. He's the perfect combination of loving and rough when we're in the throes of passion—he's just... perfect. I don't know how else to describe him.

"I love you, June Gomez," Rick whispered. My lips tugged into a broad smile, mimicking the one on his lips, and I felt my heart explode.

"And I love you, Rick Grimes," Rick leaned down gently, kissing me sweetly once more before pulling away again. His rough hands stroked the side of my face, and his eyes watered a tiny bit, "Are you okay?" Rick sniffled and nodded, his smile getting impossibly wider.

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