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A cry penetrated the quiet morning, forcing me out of my dreamless slumber. My body was overheated, and the blankets were on the floor. Rick held me to him tightly with his arms wound around my waist, explaining why I felt so hot. I was in a tank top and wore only my underwear, but I was still boiling underneath the heat of this man. I squirmed under his arm and lightly pried it away, setting it on the mattress beside me. Judith stood in her playpen, her mouth in a frown as whimpers escaped her lips. Slowly, I climbed out of bed, trying my hardest not to wake Rick up, and lightly padded towards her, swiftly cradling her. I rocked back and forth until her whimpers subsided and her head buried in my neck as she calmed.

"Now that's a sight I love waking up to," Rick's husky morning voice whispered, startling me. I turned to him and smiled, my cheeks flushing. He leaned on his elbows and had the goofiest of smiles spread across his lips, "My two girls,"

My heart stuttered, and I could feel my cheeks burning. God, I love it when he says stuff like that. Now that Judith was calm, I moved towards the bed, crawling beside the lovely man and setting her between us. Judith looked at the two of us as she sat up on her own, her hazel eyes squinting as she smiled a two-toothed smile. Rick wrapped an arm around me and held me tightly, his lips connecting with my forehead.

We watched Judith for a while as she became increasingly engrossed with a loose string that dangled from her sleeve, enjoying the silence while embracing one another. I don't know how long we sat there, watching the baby, but I could've been here forever. Soon enough, Judith started fussing, looking at us with watery eyes.

"Let me get dressed. I've got her," He whispered as he planted a loving kiss on my lips, "Michonne is planning on leaving today." I sighed heavily, my heart sinking. Besides Daryl, she's my best friend, and it makes me uneasy each time she goes out there. But I prefer she goes out there and eliminates the threat that the Governor still poses rather than sitting around like ducks, waiting for him to strike. Rick shrugged on his black pants and a simple white shirt before sweeping Judith in his arms; his lips upturned as he stared at the baby.

"I should go out there and make sure the horse is fed before she leaves," I muttered, rummaging through my pack for pants.

"I know you don't like it when she goes out," Rick frowned. Pulling on my pants and buttoning them up, I walked over to Rick and wrapped my arms around his waist with my head resting on his shoulder. Judith turned to me and smiled—her small hand lightly smacking my nose. It didn't hurt, but I flinched in pain for the small child's amusement and let out a teasing 'ow.' Judith giggled and repeated her actions, trying to get the same reaction from me and succeeding. Rick chuckled as Judith yanked on some of my hair, earning a genuine gasp of pain. After prying my hair from her hand, I pulled away and tied it up. Why do babies have the quickest and strongest grip? Ouch.

"You gonna wake up Carl and Selena?" I asked Rick as I walked towards the small desk by Judith's playpen. The picture of my family rested on top, the cracked glass shining as the sun penetrated the cell. I ran a finger across their faces and smiled at them, bidding them good morning.

"Maybe just Carl," Rick murmured, "Selena is probably still annoyed with everything and everyone," He's right. I managed to piss her off yesterday, so she'll probably be on the warpath today. I slipped on my boots and grabbed my knife from the small table, fastening it around my hips.

"You're not wrong," I answered, "Well then, Mr. Grimes, I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut our time together short."

"Let's just hide out in here all day," I bit my lip at his suggestion. It was very tempting, but there's always something to do around here.

"And let you have me all to yourself?" I placed a hand on my hip, "I don't think so," Rick rolled his eyes at me and walked over to me, his free hand wrapping around my back and pressing me against him.

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