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---Okay, so I might've gotten a little carried away here. We're all mature, and we don't judge, right? With that said, proceed ---


Rick's grip on my hips tightened as he pressed against me, his warm breath hitting the back of my neck. I let out a small moan and pushed my ass against his crotch, trying to get as close to him as humanly possible. I felt his face nuzzle into the nest that was my hair and heard him take a deep breath inwards, a content sigh escaping him as his fingers started to play with the delicate skin on my hips. I kept my eyes closed and breathily chuckled, feeling his lips brush against my shoulder.

"This is nice," Rick mumbled against my skin. I hummed in agreement and opened my eyes, squinting against the light that entered our bedroom. I reached for my watch on the bedside table and grumbled as the number 8:13 flashed. Rick leaned up and grabbed my watch from me, putting it under his pillow and smiling at me suggestively. He pushed me onto my back and kissed my chest, his lips touching the bare skin and trailing downwards. A moan escaped me as he pulled the blanket down, exposing my nude body. My eyes stayed glued on him as he started sinking lower and lower, his lips still dragging across my skin and pausing as he reached my hips.

"As much as I want this," I let out a shaky breath that almost betrayed me, "I have to get started on the bins and setting up a new watch schedule with Maggie," Rick dragged his teeth across my skin, making goosebumps appear on my flesh.

"I won't be long," Rick whispered, his hands resting on both my knees and pushing them apart, "Give me ten minutes," He looked down at me, his eyes firmly glued in between my legs as he eagerly licked his lips. I was about to open my mouth again to protest when he dove in, his lips attaching to my most sensitive parts. A breathy gasp escaped me as his tongue swirled around my clit, and his fingers slid upwards and started rolling my nipples. I grabbed a fistful of his hair, my fingers tightening as he continued his assault. I closed my eyes and pointed my head towards the bed's headboard, my mouth hanging open as moans started to escape me.

My body sang and hummed with each lap of his tongue, and my mind grew foggy as the familiar tightening sensation in my lower abdomen appeared. I could feel him smirk against me, knowing that I was close. I felt one of his hands leave my breast and trail back downwards, his fingers gently playing with my needy entrance. I had to clamp a hand over my mouth as his fingers penetrated me, bringing me closer to the release my body was yearning for. His mouth closed around my sensitive clit, and he sucked while his fingers vigorously pumped in and out of me. My grip on his hair tightened, and I pushed my other hand against my mouth harder, muffling the sounds that escaped me as my body finally exploded in white-hot pleasure. Rick chuckled and came back up, a satisfied look on his face as I finally came back to reality.

I blushed and covered my face with my hands, still feeling the aftershocks of my orgasm. That wasn't even ten minutes! I'm like putty in his hands, and he knows it. Rick wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him, his chest rumbling as he laughed. With both of us on our sides, I looked up at him and kissed his lips sweetly, feeling that familiar warmth consume me again when I tasted myself on his lips. As much as I want to stay and take care of him, I really need to get started on everything I'm supposed to do.

"I have to get up," I murmured against his feverish lips. Rick shook his head and connected our lips again, his hand cascading down my spine and pausing to cup my ass. I sighed into our kiss and let him wrap my leg around his hips, his thigh pushing against my tingling groin. He reached between us and gripped his erection, lining it up with me and slowly penetrating me.

A deep rumble vibrated in his chest as he slowly thrust, his grip on me stiffening as we found our rhythm. I pushed my hips in unison with his, getting lost in the sensations we provided one another as he pushed deeper into me. I kissed his chest, trying to keep quiet as he continued thrusting.

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