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I finished buttoning the final buttons on my shirt, admiring myself in the mirror. I grabbed the collar and inhaled, hoping to find traces of Rick's scent still on the shirt. Unfortunately, there was none, but that didn't mean I wouldn't keep trying every time I wear something of his. I rolled the sleeves and secured them before tying the shirt behind my back, making it more form-fitting. This used to be my favorite shirt of his. I always liked how he looked in it—it brought out the blue of his eyes. I fidgeted with the ring on my left ring finger and sighed, trying to shake away any sad thoughts before they could claim me.

A knock behind me made me turn around and smile. Michonne stood by the door, wearing a loose shirt and black pants. She slowly walked inside and pursed her lips, her eyes firmly on the ground. I grabbed my holster, fastening it with a cocked eyebrow. She brushed a dread back and sighed; her eyes finally reached mine.

"I did some thinking last night," She muttered, taking slow steps towards me, "You're right." I felt my eyes widen and a smirk play across my lips. It's not every day she tells me she was wrong and I was right.

"What was that?" I asked, donning a confused look, "I didn't hear you." Michonne rolled her eyes and smiled, pausing directly in front of me.

"You were right," She repeated, laughing at the wide smile that spread across my lips, "I don't want a repeat of what happened...." She trailed and swallowed roughly, "But that doesn't mean that everyone is out to fuck us over." I reached over and placed my hands on her shoulders, feeling proud of her. This is a massive step for her!

"Instead of kicking those people out," I started, "Why don't we take them to the Hilltop? I could talk to Maggie about it and—" I trailed, noticing her wide-eyed look, "What?"

"You wanna go to Hilltop?" Michonne asked, not bothering to hide her bewilderment. I felt my lips tighten into a straight line, and the beginnings of anxiety prick the bottom of my stomach. I haven't seen or talked to Maggie in five long years. Every time we needed to make contact with them, I always sent representatives so I could avoid the woman.

"It's time," I nodded and let my hands fall from her shoulders, "I can't continue being angry over something that happened long ago. Bridges need to be mended, and it'll be nice to catch up with her." Michonne flashed me a tight smile, surprise still in her eyes.

The trickle of slamming footsteps on the wood floors echoed, signaling that some of the kiddos were running. The door slammed open, and the twins and Melody rushed in, immediately rushing us. Michonne kneeled with her arms wide open and a smile on her face as her children attacked her. I copied her actions and swooped Melody in my arms, brushing away the single brown wavy lock that fell in her face. Her bright blue eyes connected with my plain ones, and she looped her arms around my neck.

"What's with all the love?" Michonne asked and pulled her children to an arm's distance.

"No reason, mama," JJ answered with a toothy grin, "Are you leaving?" He asked, taking in her appearance. Melody pulled away and looked down at me, her eyebrow cocking slightly and a questioning look spreading across her face. God, that's the same look Rick would give me when I did something he didn't know about.

"We're going to take the new people to the Hilltop," Michonne explained. Melody wiggled in my arms, nearly jumping out of them to jump around excitedly with Ember.

"Can we go?" She nearly screeched, "Please, Mommy! Please!" Michonne and I shared a look and pursed our lips, knowing that incoming fits would be upon us.

"No," I answered, placing my hands on my hips with some finality, "It could be dangerous," Melody and Ember stopped jumping, their faces flushed slightly. Being the smart boy he is, JJ hid behind his mother's leg, using both hands to cover his ears.

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