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Selena led the way, quickly walking through the woods around us without glancing back at us. She knows we're following, so what's the point in ensuring we're back here? We've been at this for almost an hour, and she looks like she isn't going to be slowing down any time soon. Siddiq hung back, taking the rear a few paces behind me. Part of me is scared he'll take the chance and run off, but another part trusts this man. Something in me just knows that he'll stick around. Suddenly, Selena paused, and her entire being went rigid.

"Son of a—" I couldn't hear the entirety of her sentence; her voice was too low. I crept forward, keeping light on my feet, and kept my eyes on the area in front of us. A cabin was in the distance, but a small convoy was before it.

"Saviors," Sel whispered and dropped to her knees, her eyes never leaving the cabin, "Carl's in there."

"What do we do?" Siddiq whispered. He still didn't understand the severity of our ongoing war with the Saviors, and I don't expect him to take part in it, but I can't leave Carl alone to deal with these assholes. The rifle on my back shifted slightly, reminding me it was there.

"Siddiq, I know you won't feel comfortable taking part, and I wouldn't ask that of you, so please stay back," I whispered, examining the ports of entry and exits. "Sel," I turned to her and slung my rifle off my shoulders, "Climb a tree, prop yourself, and stay hidden,"

"But—" I shook my head and cut her off.

"I only have three bullets in the rifle," I handed it to her, "Make them count. If you shoot, shoot to kill. We can't let these assholes go,"

"What are you going to do?" Siddiq asked, his face contorted in fear, "You against them?"

"I'm fast, and I can take a few out before I catch their attention," I nodded, knowing this was a stupid plan. "Sel, how many bullets do you have in your gun?"

She checked the chamber quickly and closed it shut, her lips in a tight line. "Four,"

With her four, the three in the rifle, and the six bullets I had in my pistol... that might not be enough to take these people out. We can't afford to miss. I nodded and pursed my lips, trying to calm my racing heart. This could be a suicide run, but I've said it once, and I'll say it again: I'm willing to die so that Carl, Selena, and Judith can live. I looked at Siddiq and gave him an unsteady smile, hoping to calm our nerves.

"You climb a tree and keep hidden, okay?" I whispered, "Both of you. No matter what happens, you stay back and run if things turn for the worse. Hilltop is to the South, okay? Go back there. Maybe I'll meet you there. Maybe I won't."

"June, I should go in there—" I shook my head again.

"No!" I hissed at her, "You run if things go south, okay?" Selena closed her mouth and nodded her head once, "Go in a tree, shoot to kill, and run if things turn sour," I looked back towards the cabin and let out a steady breath through my nose.

I grabbed my knife and gun, ensuring the silencer was screwed on, and cocked a bullet in the chamber. Slowly, I crept forward, keeping low at all times, and circled, approaching from the rear. The wind blew, and the trees above rustled, but all was quiet. The cabin drew nearer, and with it, my heart pounded violently in my ears. Pressing against the cabin, I peeked through the dirty window, trying to figure out how many were inside. My eyes squinted angrily—three were inside, and between them, Carl kneeled. I could see their mouths moving but couldn't decipher what they were saying, but if I knew the Saviors, and I do, then they would be talking for another few minutes.

Moving quickly and silently, I followed the exterior of the building, pressing against it tightly with my hands gripping my gun. I have six bullets; I need to make them count. Circling towards the front, I peered and caught sight of two outside. I inhaled deeply and exhaled, preparing myself. I kneeled and aimed, pulling the trigger quickly and firing two shots. The two bodies tumbled silently, and blood poured from their gaping head wounds.

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