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The baby fussed in my arms, a cry escaping her lips as I tried to soothe her. I held her close and let more tears leave my eyes as I watched Daryl try to bring Rick back to Earth. He's in shock, and hell, I am too. I don't know Rick's mourning process, but he needs time and space to do so, even if he and Lori didn't see eye to eye anymore. She was the woman he spent thirteen years with, they had children together, and she was gone in a blink of an eye. Carl approached me, his arms extended, silently asking me to hand his little sister over. I tried to smile at him and failed terribly, carefully transferring the baby into his waiting arms.

"Let me see the baby," Hershel said as soon as Carl cradled her. I placed a hand on his shoulder, walking with him as he presented his sister to the older gentleman.

"What are we gonna feed it?" Daryl asked, giving up on trying to snap Rick out of his trance. Hershel examined her and smiled, a sad look washing over his face as it dawned on him that Lori wouldn't be here to breastfeed. "We got anything a baby could eat." I smiled slightly at how unknowledgeable Daryl was when it came to babies, but hey, I'm not the most knowledgeable either. My only experiences with babies have been with my cousins and when friends gave birth. So very, very minimal.

"Good news is that she looks healthy." Hershel announced, "But she needs formula, and soon or she won't survive." I shook my head as I looked down at her, more tears threatening to spill from my eyes. I refuse to let this baby die.

"Nope. Not her." As he slung his crossbow across his shoulders, Daryl said, "We ain't losing nobody else. I'm going for a run."

"I'll come with," I answered immediately, my eyes meeting with Daryl's blue ones. He shook his head and pointed over toward Rick.

"Best if you stay and keep things in order here." Daryl explained, "Rick ain't doing too well." He was right. Rick isn't doing well at all, and when he's not doing well, that's when I step up. I nodded and wrapped an arm around Carl, the bubble of worry starting to form in my stomach.

"I'll go then," Maggie spoke up.

"I'll go too." Glenn nodded.

"I'll think of where we're going," Daryl said before calling for Beth and walking a few feet away from us. I watched as he talked to her, her small blonde head bobbing as she agreed with whatever he said. "Glenn, Maggie, Vamonos." I couldn't help the small smile that spread across my lips; It seemed like he's finally picked up on some Spanish. I turned around to the group and saw that there was already a big group of walkers surrounding the outermost fence. I looked at the two prisoners, deciding to give them a chance to further prove themselves to us.

"You two," I said, "Take out the walkers by the fence. You've seen how we do it, right?" Axel nodded at me, waiting to hear if there were more orders for them. "Go crazy," I muttered as Rick jumped up and grabbed a hatchet on the ground, his back turned to us as he raced up the steps.

"Rick," Maggie called out to him, worry in her voice.

"Let him go." Watching him disappear, I said, "Let's leave him alone."

"Get the gate!" Daryl ordered, his voice frantic as he was anxious to get going. "C'mon! We're going to lose the light." Axel and Oscar ran towards the gate, preparing to open it when Glenn, Maggie, and Daryl were ready. I looked down at Carl and nodded, trying to tell him to follow me silently. I turned my head as Daryl's motorcycle started up—I guess he's only taking one of them—and walked over to the battered bench in the middle of the courtyard. He sat beside me, his sister still crying in his arms. We sat in absolute silence, the two of us reeling from the events that had transpired today.

The baby flailed in his arms, new strength behind her cries as Carl awkwardly tried to rock her. The smile that spread across my face was genuine. I always knew Carl would be the best big brother, but seeing it... it's heartwarming.

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