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The sky started turning beautiful shades of pink, orange, light blue, and red as the sun rose on the horizon. The wind was cool and bit into my skin, causing me to shiver as my skin erupted in goosebumps. I looked all around me, feeling tranquil as the sounds of birds chirping popped up in every direction. This is the first time since this happened that I feel peaceful as if nothing has happened to the world and all is good. I squeezed my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around them, trying to keep myself warm in the crisp morning breeze. I was alone on the porch, finally giving up on my attempt to sleep as none found me throughout the night. I couldn't help but feel the dull pang in my chest as I worried about Daryl and the rest of the group, hoping they were safe and already on their way here. I've gotten so used to being by Daryl's side all the time that I couldn't help but think about him every so often, wondering what he was up to and if he was protecting them. I heard the door open behind me, not bothering to turn and see who was joining me on the porch.

"You sleep, okay?" I heard Shane's accented voice ask me. I turned to look at him and gasped slightly at his newly shaven head. He looks so much better bald!

"I couldn't sleep, so I've been up all night." I said quickly as I got up to stand beside him, "I like it!" I exclaimed, bringing my hand up to rub the smoothness of his head. He quirked his lips upwards and leaned against the railing, his hands finding their place in his pockets.

"What's the plan for today?" Shane asked me, gazing at the horizon, admiring the rising sun.

"Well, hopefully, the rest of the group with come today without any problems." I started leaning against the house, "Then Daryl and I can start looking for Sophia."

"Just you two?" Shane asked, "I don't like the sound of that."

"Rick won't be able to come since he gave a lot of blood yesterday. He'll end up passing out," I explained, darting my eyes to his ankle. "And you can't come either cause of your ankle."

"It ain't that bad." He muttered, shaking his head. Ha! It's so swollen that it resembles an elephant's leg! Not so bad, my ass.

"It is bad." I stressed, "I would rather you stay here and take care of your ankle. Who knows how bad you can damage it if you keep trying to run on it."

"We'll just have to ask Hershel then," Shane said, his sharp brown eyes meeting mine. It was obvious that he didn't like the idea of sitting today out, but he had to! The more he's on that foot, the worse his ankle will get. I rolled my eyes at the stubborn man and bit my lip, trying not to piss him off this early in the morning.

"So," I began, "I thought we could make a memorial for that man they lost last night." Shane continued to stare at me, his gaze hardening. Is there something wrong with my suggestion? Either way, I continued, "We can help them make a little grave of stones out somewhere and say a few last words. I think that would help them mourn him."

"Whatever you say," Shane muttered, shrugging his shoulders. Since he got back last night, something has been off about him. Something seems to bother him more than usual, which worries me. I don't know what went down last night, but it had to be something big to bother him like it is. The sound of the door creaking made me divert my gaze from Shane, stopping all thoughts I had on the subject matter. Maggie stood in the doorway, watching Shane and I.

"Morning." I greeted her. She didn't look too good this morning with her red, puffy eyes, but no one could blame her. They all lost someone dear to them. If Maggie looks and feels like this, I feel for Patricia. From what I learned, she was married to Otis, the man that shot Carl and went with Shane to get the respirator. Pobrecita.

"Morning." She repeated, "You both sleep okay?"

"Oh yeah," I answered, omitting that I didn't get any sleep, "I just want to thank you and your family again for helping us." Maggie nodded at me, her lips pursed. "I was thinking about approaching you or your father about making a memorial for your friend, Otis. Since we don't have a body, we can't have a burial, but I thought we could pile up stones, say a few words, and have a moment of silence to honor his life." Maggie gave me a sad smile and nodded, her eyes filling with tears as a sob racked through her body. I rushed forward and hesitantly wrapped my arms around her, trying to comfort the strange woman.

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